Aihtnyc's (6)

That precious moment of your life when you feel alive again. But is it really a relief? Or do you become more anxious about what will happen in the future?

The urge to be a happy person never ends for a human. The feeling never ends. We are born. We live. We fight. We create our own world in our minds. When the real world fails us, we retreat to our private world. The feeling is endless.

Day by day, life becomes harder. But we still fight. We still go to work because we have bills to pay. We need to buy food, pay the rent. Sometimes we feel, "What the hell am I doing? Is it really meaningful? Is it really necessary?" But, my friend, you still don't stop.

You go to your house, take a bath, make dinner, sleep early because you have work tomorrow. And life goes on. Maybe some of you are lucky enough to have a partner, someone to wait for you at home. But someone like us has no one. They like to live alone, talk alone, eat alone. Some people even change from extrovert to introvert. You never know what will happen the next day. You just do your work.

Maybe our lives were perfect when we were children. There was no tension about paying bills. Our whole lives were about play and eat. I know some of us didn't have a good childhood as well. But think about it. At least we didn't have stress. Depression.

If you ask me what happiness is for me, I will say waking up in the morning, having the perfect breakfast with a view from my balcony, having the perfect coffee. Enough for the perfect beginning of the day. That's my happiness. And I did this on the 1st of January, the start of this new year. I promised myself this year would be different. And yes, it's really different. I learned to fight for myself. Although I'm a very talentless person, I will fight. I will fight for my existence.

We all feel the emptiness at a certain point in our lives. But the actual question is, how will you end this emptiness? How far can you go? How long can you fight?

Ask yourself... ❤️❤️❤️

Love from Aihtnyc ❤️❤️❤️