Pixelart Contest #6- Theme: Lovecraft. Nyarlathotep

in Pixelart5 years ago (edited)

I'm interested in pixel art, and have very little skill when it comes to art. I thought it would be fun to try and participate, and in the process, learn.

I saw some amazing pictures on reddit's /r/pixelart, by an artist who only did black and white.

Thinking that it was a good to follow that style, I started in photopea.


Laid out some ruler-layers to follow.


Then moved to to another editor. I was frustrated, as every time I used a brush tool, photopea automatically changes the pixels of the cells around the target cell. I just wanted white, but each time I used the brush or pencil tool on a selected area, cells outside that selected area would change into a gradient form black to white.

Also, despite setting the pencil tool to 100% opacity, I had to click multiple times for a complete white color to emerge. This was annoying.


Basic outline for our buddy Nyarlathotep.


One idea for Nyarlathotep. An Egptian style headpiece, dithered robes. But I don't like it yet.


This is more skeletal and monstrous. Cut the face up, add in some backgorund pieces, make the body missing its torso. Add a spinal cord.


Add in a lower portion.


Mirror the shapes of the bird thing that I made on the top corners to give the overall picture a sense of portioning. Added in a few more designs. I think this is as good as I can get it with my skill level right now.

So I brought it back to Photopea and scaled it x10, making sure to keep the selection on "nearest neighbor".

Here's our good buddy, Nyarlathotep!



this one is awesome i really like the style, it also looks as an epic tarot card, great job!

You will enjoy this, then:

Awesome works! thanks for sharing them, maybe i'll do something of that style 😄❤