Hello friends from hive community!! today i bring to you my first contest which is as it reads in the title "Shadows" themed, the main objective of this contest is just to have fun and get better in what we love to do in the process!! 💖
I'll select the winner and possibly honorable mention(s) and random winner just as we do in the other weekly contests n.n
The prize pool in this one is 15 hive thanks to @kristyglas :D 💖
I'm also accepting any donations for the prize pool n.n
For this contest you must make use of shadows in any way that you may imagine, have fun! 💖

Why shadows?
the reason of this contest is simply help you get a better look in your artwork, the shadows are always a main component no matter what are you drawing or painting, they are a key element just look at the two images above, they both are really simple frames, the one on the left has objects with some shine and texture by themselves but they are still looking flat, there's no depth even tho the background has some, just flat objects on a surface.
the one in the right on the other hand has very simple shadows, but just with that little touch you can see where exactly are the objects on that terrain.

This one was my last participation on the weekly contest, here you can see how the shadows are used to give the composition more depth, even the perspective or volume will not be possible without shadows,
now there are some little things to keep in mind when making shadows:
- Where is the light coming from?.
- Keep the shapes: make the shadows according to the composition.
- Make soft and hard shadows, depending on the look you want to give.
- Always imagine the real life object and how it will interact with light.

The minimum prize pool is 15 hive and all the donations will be added to it :3
and as in every weekly contest:
- Most important- Only Original Art!!
- No copying other pixelart
- You can use photo reference (CC0 photos recommended).
- Non-traditional pixelart is welcome: like color pencils on paper (or voxel)
- No auto-pixel filters/programs allowed
- At least 1 art progress picture
- Comment on any Pixelart community post (other than my posts), lets improve the engagement and positivity :)
- Make a post in Pixelart community (or crosspost)
- Share your art preview and post link the comments so I don't miss it
- Use pixelart as one of your tags.
I'm a beginner too so remember just to have fun but also put some effort on your posts so you'll have a chance to get curated :D
The deadline for this contest will be next wednesday around the same time this post was created then i'll picke the winner(s) n.n

Also don't forget to have some fun with the october prompt list n.n
promptlist source :3

Are you taking turns with the weekly contests now or are there daily weekly contests? XD
This is actually a great idea for a contest given how challenging it is to get people to branch into shading to begin with (the number of times over the years I've had to cajole people to work at it because they don't want to ruin their nice lines XD).
hahaha no, @kristyglas on her last post asked if someone wanted to make another weekly contest :3 so i volunteered xD and yup that's the idea! i'm no expert either but i think it's a nice way to motivate people to leave their comfort zone and it's also a very fun one, i'm always trying different things xD
so cool! :))
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 30/40) Liquid rewards.
Good morning, friend @andielor
I am glad that you have created this contest.
Here is my participation in the first round - Shadows.
I hope it is to your liking and that it meets your requirements.
Dear @libepensadora & @atlantis i have been really busy this week,that's why i still haven't post the winner but the contest is over n.n i will select the winner and make a post for it n.n thanks for your patience and your awesome works! :D