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RE: 🍉 [MELN] Weekly EXODE Wrap-Up #44

in 1UP3 years ago

After looking at cards more closely than I ever have, I believe my current favorite is Captain Cranium. There are a few reasons for this choice. First the art and name are awfully cool. I would have liked it better if he were actually an evil genius, but apparently he's not academically inclined. Next up is the integrated armor and weapons. Who needs equipment when you're legendary, right? And that stuff sounds mighty useful in the game so far. Finally is the idea that he makes whatever origin he is attached to criminal. I imagine the new colony becoming the center of a new underworld. Crazy, but fun to try.

So, thanks for the giveaways. And please include me in this week's as well.

Good luck, all.


Captain Cranium is an interesting card, indeed, though it's one that I often overlook. Did you know he's named after a Hiver? Deck building with that card should be interesting to say the least. I'm not sure how I feel about him turning my crew into only criminals. Maybe his other traits make it worth it but, at a glance, I'm not too fond of him. Haven't really theory crafted with that card in a deck yet.


I think it's really interesting where the game might go. He does but you on the ground floor of the criminal syndicate thing... if that has any appeal.