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RE: 🍉 [MELN] Weekly EXODE Giveaway #16

in 1UP3 years ago

I'm gonna go with Little Buddy for this one. Good stealth and resist plus speed and some combat. Throw in autonomous and I believe 0 energy cost and you've got a decent scout to roam your planet.

!PIZZA @theacks


Why do you think Little Buddy over Friendly Eyes XY-6?

Have a !PIZZA

Honestly, it was a very close call. I actually started typing out Friendly Eyes to be honest. What it came down to for me however is higher stealth and an ability to defend when it came to Little Buddy. As much as flight can be a good defense, anything less stealthy can either hide from it (and you have a poorer picture of what you're looking at especially with the weaker radar) or you may encounter a flying threat that Friendly Eyes cannot hide from or defend itself against. I picture those creatures from Pitch Black swarming and attacking anything that moves. While Little Buddy is better equipped to avoid and hide from similar hazards. It'll really all come down to what hazards you have on your planet tbh.

I hadn't even thought of flying threats destroying Friendly Eyes, hope I don't have any!

Have another !PIZZA