Pizza Guild Scholars | 🌈HashKings Harvest Report #8 🌾

in 1UP3 years ago

Banner HK Harvest.gif

What's up fellow farmers and scholars!

Raids, zombies, and one pesky "bug" encountered, Oh my! 🐞
This week's harvest was ready to go. Ripe for the pickings! Or...ready for the harvesting? Yeah! That one!

Upon going through each plot and carefully collecting and logging my BUDs, I ran into the pest! 🐛 It kept Shaggy in the field all night! Shaggy valiantly worked hard to restore the land plot to top condition. Fortunately, within 24hours, all was well and I could finally plant my last Mexico seed. Yay!


Let's get to the important part though...


💰 The Haul! 💰



Thank you, @nane-qts for providing the base template.


With this harvest, I was able to send over 6K BUDs back to the guild! I think my Africa plots are to thank for such a big difference in my harvest between this week and last week. All but 1 hitting 4k in BUD yield. Super happy about that.

Maybe it's time to celebrate with a joint.

That leads me to some of the latest news from the HK development team. We all know that the decrease in forging costs has been announced. Well the HK Devs drop more good news. The cost of joints was re-evaluated. If you have been meaning to work on leveling up your avatars- now is a good time to do a little bit of your research to see which method is most cost-effective for you!


"Raids! Raids! Moooore Raaaids!"

The zombie battle cry!

Colonel Angeles Heartless is my avatar main! So far she has been fighting valiantly for us in the Raids!

This week I have earned 169 BUDS total from raids. It's not a substantial amount - but that's with her being sent on 4 excursions.

Thanks for stopping in! May your harvests be splendid in the coming week!


Amazing Gif created by BaconDubs! If you are interested in personalized gifs, reach out to him. He takes commissions!


Do you ever wish eating pizza could earn you PIZZA? WELL, I have news for you! One of our wonderful PIZZA members, Hurtlocker is running a weekly PIZZA contest! For more information about the contest check out this link to the contest post: PIZZA for your Pizza Pics

Check out my friends and fellow collaborators on HIVE!

🍕 Hive.Pizza hosts events every week! 🍕

Events like Trivia Night, Community game night, art streams, and Chess Tournaments!
With the potential to win free $PIZZA and NFTs! Make sure to check out the discord linked above.


Exploring the world of nature and science through art.




Join us in Discord!

@huzzah! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.