1up Social Media Challenge

We are giving away $1,300 in ONEUP token (17,000) in 10 weeks
Top 3 quality & follower count win 1,700 ONEUP weekly for 10 weeks
1st Rated Quality Post | 2nd | 3rd |
500 ONEUP | 250 ONEUP | 100 ONEUP |
1st Largest Followers | 2nd | 3rd |
500 ONEUP | 250 ONEUP | 100 ONEUP |
Quality posts will also receive multiple upvotes from the new 1up curators listed here so be awesome!
still 6 open curator postions see @flauwy to inquire
Look carefully below to learn how to enter
Blog about any HIVE game and include 3 tags #oneup #play2earn & #hive
Share your blog on social media and use the same 3 hashtags again
Share the 2 links to those posts in a comment on this post
Where to share your blog
- Medium
- Youtube
- Publish0x
- Tumblr
- Snapchat
- Include income from play to earn gaming and use #leofinance tag
- How to make your blog look better
- Check out Ultimate Markdown Tutorial
- You can enter multiple challenges with 1 post

art provided by @japex1226 and animated by me
Hello! my links for the challenge! thx for the opportunity!
1UP: https://www.1up.zone/@shiftrox/journey-progress-20
Ecency: https://ecency.com/hive-195370/@shiftrox/journey-progress-20
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YanPatrick/posts/6790939000924033
Noise Cash : https://noise.cash/post/74m8qpgcjj65r
I've seen your content around.
You should check us out
Thanks for joining the challenge.
Sharing the 1up link to your post may get you more 1upvotes
Shiftrox 1up Journey 20 Post
Hello good Morning! Thank you very much, I will be careful to share the 1up link too!
You are in the running for a ONEUP reward, please confirm your biggest social media following count by replying to this comment with just the total followers on 1 platform. We have 245 on Twitter sound correct?
Hello good afternoon!
In terms of numbers, it's facebook, I have 451 friends and on twitter there are 245 followers.
YAY for 1UP!! :) GREAT post, Troy!! ;) How awesome!! Let's spread the 1UP LOVE! :)

Thanks Rosie, together we can!
Yesss!! :)
Goodluck !PIZZA
yey! let's go guys!
I think we are ready!
yes! let's go!!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for entereing however your post was not selected, please look out for the next challenge!
Pretty cool, might look into entering this challenge
I would enter myself yet... :D good luck
Post: https://www.1up.zone/@luizeba/fire-splinter-starter-cards-and
Reddit: ~~~ embed:Splinterlands/comments/qg9al9/fire_splinter_starter_cards_combos_splinterlands/ reddit metadata:fFNwbGludGVybGFuZHN8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL1NwbGludGVybGFuZHMvY29tbWVudHMvcWc5YWw5L2ZpcmVfc3BsaW50ZXJfc3RhcnRlcl9jYXJkc19jb21ib3Nfc3BsaW50ZXJsYW5kcy98 ~~~
Smart! thanks for entering!
You are in the running for a ONEUP reward for your nice post, if you win you will be tagged in a post soon.
Thanks, Dynamic :D
This is interesting.
Thanks, hope you enter!
Here is my entry post.
Here is my facebook post:
I hope my post will help community a little bit.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there has never been a better time to write about gaming on Hive!
I can't believe there are 6 curator spaces left, people should be bighting their own arms off to get hold of one of those.
Agreed the open spots are priceless! & to your next question yes for at least 10 weeks then revisit it with the boss guy. We do hope more curators want to run the challenge each week incase you are interested?
Sure I'm happy to pitch in for a week no problem! As long as I get the heads up on what I have to do!
Pretty much lay this post down next with your own twist to it if any and any curators that have time upvote both the entrants comment and post entry depending on quality of content. At the end we discuss top posts to select winner among curators in 1up discord.
OK cool - just lemme know when you want me to step in - maybe week after next, I need a bit of notice on these things!
cool sounds great!!
New one stop guide up. I think you will all find this super useful as a guide to league rewards with all the latest updates all set in simple tables.
Great entry, with a post that can truly help many! thanks
You are a finalist and may be winning some ONEUP token, look out for the results post coming soon & how many reddit followers do you have? I see an 11m number yet not sure what is what there... lol thanks
Your post is among the final winners, look for an announcement soon
Oh, wasn't expecting that. Great to know man, looking forward to the announcement.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 67/87) Liquid rewards.
Thanks so much, my biggest upvote came from you! :D
To not make the post too long a read I left out a few details included here.
Hi !! My links for challenge ;)
1UP: https://www.1up.zone/@weesleytv/i-opened-my-second-pack
Ecency: https://ecency.com/hive-102223/@weesleytv/i-opened-my-second-pack
Noise Cash : https://noise.cash/post/k05mmqqfgjpgj
thanks for joining the challenge!
Here's my entry.
Link that twitter account so we can count followers :D
Thanks for joining the challenge!
I don't really know what you mean by that. What did I miss?
You missed nothing just the link to your twitter post, a screenshot of your twitter post is awesome, looks great and easy to see you used the tag etc... The link to twitter provided will allow us to click to see your follower count as we have too many to be searching. Incase you do not win a top quality post challenge you can still win by sharing to a large amount of followers.
Oh, that was not a screenshot bro. The front end just shows the link like that.
I'll put the link below here again:
oh goodness, i am a noob and did not know i can click links within the picture.... i am flabbergasted :D thanks for enlightening me, we all learn something new everyday!
Hello! my links for the challenge! thx for this challenge!
Hive: https://hive.blog/hive/@kwskicky/ulitmate-guide-by-kicky
Ecency: https://ecency.com/hive/@kwskicky/ulitmate-guide-by-kicky
Noise Cash: https://noise.cash/post/6p5k7jpd2wppq
Nicely written post, you are among the finalists! look out for a post soon announcing winners
My first entry to this:
115 followers and post is among final selections, apologies it took me so long as I was very ill just over a week there. Look for an announcement post soon
thanks for joining, a hint if you share your 1up link it helps the 1upvotes roll in.
Here are my links:
you are among the final selections to win some tokens, look for the announcement post soon
Great work! thanks for entering
Hello! my links for the challenge! thx for the opportunity!
Thanks for participating!
Your post was very close to joining final winner selection, the others helping me chose would like to see more writing, myself I enjoy your post very much and all the screenshots shows much and was very well written! Thanks for entering
And another entry! Thanks!
Thanks here is my articles hope the series will help the guilds players and prospects
great and helpful blog friend, apologies everything got delayed I was very ill for just over a week yet much better now!
Another entry - thanks for doing this!
Tnx for the great challenge now with 1up,
My first ever Entry, with many to come
1up: https://www.1up.zone/@chel-koby/notes-on-splinterlands-and-axie-infinity-from-a-gamer-who-plays-both
Twitter: ~~~ embed:1455944394415149065?s=20 twitter metadata:Q2hlbE92ZXJib2FyZHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9DaGVsT3ZlcmJvYXJkL3N0YXR1cy8xNDU1OTQ0Mzk0NDE1MTQ5MDY1fA== ~~~
~~~ embed:1455944394415149065 twitter metadata: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 ~~~Your post is among the final selections for some tokens, look for an announcement post soon.
Wow, Tnx so much. I would look forward to that!
thanks for entering
Another entry from me!
I see what you did there and I like it, going to upvote your next post now!
I'm still posting! Thanks for doing this challenge:
Vote friends
thanks for entering
155 followers, look out for the winners announcement post soon
My links for the challenge! I'll be sure to use the #1Up front end next time. So used to using PeakD it slipped my mind. https://www.1up.zone/@opinizeunltd/splinterlands-weekly-battle-submission-starring-the-goblin-shaman
Thanks for entering
470 followers, looks like you may win some tokens... look for the announcement post soon
Dopeness! I’ll be looking out 4 it
Hey hello, this is my first entry.
#splinterlands stuff, originally published on Splintertalk https://www.splintertalk.io/@ervin-lemark/reached-silver-leagues-after-a-long-long-time
Shared to Twitter
Shared to Publish0x
502 followers, looks like you may be a winner of some tokens! look out for the announcement post soon
@ervin-lemark denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@ervin-lemark thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Great :) Thanks in advance!
Thanks for entering
PeakD: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@captain-barabosa/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-djinn-biljka-new-reward-card
Entries getting better, look for the winners announcement post soon
I hope my post is not too late. Anyways, thanks for this great opportunity to share our posts. And I'm up for the challenge! https://www.1up.zone/@dynamicrypto/1up-social-media-challenge-for-17-000-oneup-tokens-and-upvotes
Here is my link for my posts:
1UP: https://www.1up.zone/@angelrey1990/hive-bl-game-splinterlands-play2earn-my-best-and-worst-experience-so-far-in-the-game
Ecency: https://ecency.com/hive-102223/@angelrey1990/hive-bl-game-splinterlands-play2earn-my-best-and-worst-experience-so-far-in-the-game
thanks for entering
Yea, thanks also!
@dynamicrypto will you make another post for this week's challenge and announce the winners or we keep posting here?
I fell very ill and am still recovering, the plan was weekly with this post finishing this weeks challenge, I will beg for help in 1up discord as I am still recovering and have an appointment with the Dr. today
Another post, this time about Rabona.
On Twitter:
Rabona, first time hearing about it thanks for entering
Hm, Rabona isn't new -> https://hive.io/eco?t=game
New to me apologies :)
@ervin-lemark denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@ervin-lemark thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
No problem. It's an action-packed or highly popular game :)
Here is the beta V2 site with some functionality still in the works -> https://v2.rabona.io/app
Thanks !PGM !PIZZA
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day
Thanks for doing this challenge - I made another entry:
smart as I did not say there is a limit and to go viral we write more! great work
I left here my entry:
Hive / 1Up: https://www.1up.zone/@mvl2304/share-my-weekly-challenge-using-elven-cuttroat
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mvangl2304/posts/963998947847944
Thanks for entering!
Love what I'm seeing w/ 1Up so far. I'll definitely be sharing my Splinterlands content and interacting with the front-end from here on out
That is great to hear! I wonder if you add gaming curator to your profile and apply for a position with 1up for 15k 90 day delegation to help get the community curated and growing faster? !PGM
That sounds like a plan, thanks...I'll look into the post that covers the specs shortly
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day
My post on Splinterlands:
Twitter: Post on Oneup: https://www.1up.zone/@relf87/13-how-i-progressed-from-bronze-3-to-bronze-1-with-10-dec-for-beginners Post on PeakD: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@relf87/13-how-i-progressed-from-bronze-3-to-bronze-1-with-10-dec-for-beginners
Thanks for entering, peakd is great yet share your 1up link for more 1upvotes!
Thanks for letting me know. I have edited to add it in!
I'll take part in this week's challenge with 2 posts:
Thanks for joining the challenge!
Another post from me - thanks for doing this!
Another Entry - Thanks!
Thanks for doing these!
Incidentally will you be making this a weekly post - like the Splinterlands weekly challenge?
First time trying this, I hope the Share Your Battle challenges are allowed! If not, I'll be back with more soon!
Splintertalk: https://www.splintertalk.io/@jakkal/splinterlands-share-your-battle-elven-cutthroat-killin-kron
Publish0x: https://www.publish0x.com/casualcrypto2/splinterlands-share-your-battle-challenge-elven-cutthroat-ki-xwwenpy
Looks great! thanks for joining !PGM !PIZZA
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day
Hello! Curators I am running this general chat faq of splinterlands:
The amount of effort required for this series without curators helps is difficult for me. Please visit this post, specially monster-curator too.
I share it on FB groups, Reddit communities. FB page, FB id, and much much more because simply I want to market it. Since we have to submit a link so just for the sake of proving here have some:
This is my first entry for this challenge I hope it will help me get recognition, financial support and uplift my morals.
There are multiple challenges running to enter you need to add more hash tags on your tweet has just #HIVE, for splinterlands you need #splinterlands and #play2earn for 1up you need #oneup also. I will visit your post yet add or tweet again with hash tags and edit this if you can
@dynamicrypto Thanks for your curation. I updated the links. It was really hard to put this much effort without financial support as I need to buy my own laptop, mic, and camera to help community on a bigger scale and i have other financial requires.
Guess what…..
Outstanding thank you! We must hold a Psyber-X social media challenge very soon!
I agree.
Maybe in combination with the 1UP
Indeed a few simultaneously only supports HIVE projects, lets do it!
Thanks for what you do, really in my opinion our community is one of the most close-knit and I hope it will grow! I'm already getting around to creating a new post myself and will share it soon!
Anytime, together is how we do this! Thanks for commenting !PGM !PIZZA
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day
Thanks for running the contest for us. :-)
Let's bring more people to Hive and to 1UP!
Agreed, thanks for visiting and commenting!
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
revise.spt tipped dynamicrypto (x2)
astrocat-3663 tipped rosiew (x1)
dynamicrypto tipped kwskicky (x1)
dynamicrypto tipped jakkal (x1)
Join us in Discord!
@dynamicrypto! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post. @dynamicrypto tipped @ervin-lemark (x1)What do you have to do to be a curator of 1UP! @flauwy
Click his profile, look at his 1up post for a discord link or my posts also include it here n there.
This is great, too bad I am not big on social media :) @tipu curate!
same here, i have an account with low following. I will share anyway something as @splinterlands and @steemmonsters are upvoting along with tons of 1up curators!