
in Kindness Rocks11 months ago

This painting on the rocks activity is addictive.


The Saturday lazy waking up was followed by preparing a beverage you see here and sitting outside on the balcony contemplating the white rock that I started painting yesterday afternoon. A black rock was also there with its silky dark cover. It is nail polish. So easy to use, it dries quite quickly but I don't like its smell. That is why this new hobby, sorry, this addiction of mine has got its official place outside. I set up a smaller table for it.

You can notice that the fancy tablecloth is newspapers. :D


The acrylic paint doesn't have any smell though. Neither the acrylic paint markers that were introduced here, but I will anyway stay outside in those moments when the urge to paint rocks hits.

It was so nice to spend the morning there, outside. The breeze and the morning sun helped the paint dry quickly as I continued to add white layers to it.

Actually, I am not sure how many layers I should do for a good base. I am not an expert but I thought that a white background would be nice before drawing the details with the markers (which are also acrylic paint).


Warning: If you decide to follow my path and paint and draw on rocks, don't be surprised if your fingertips also get painted.

not rocks but got painted


The rock with the white base will wait here for its design which I want to draw first on a piece of paper (something was already drawn but it will get modifications and improvements) before the real decoration on the rock starts. It is going to be a little gift.


In the meantime, the black rock got a little sister, another even smaller rock with a black nail polish covering. There was not much space to draw a lot of things, so I thought about a smiling face. Yellow and black make a nice contrast, which explains my choice of this optimistic colour on the black background. The eyes are flowers that have white and purple dots.

Smile (as I named this rock) went through three phases.

The first, when it was just painted in black, the second when it got the yellow mouth and the eyes, and the final version, filled with the white and purple dots inside the petals. This will be also gifted to someone.

The red rock with a white flower and a leaf was made a few days ago, on Thursday evening. I saw so many flowers and leaves painted on one windowshop that afternoon... that scene surely inspired the birth of this kindness rock.


Stay Inspired will be a gift as well. It will travel in backpack of my husband to Germany, to meet some Hivers and reach its new owner. This seemed to be easy to write there but you see, the second word went in the wrong direction. It was affected by gravity, as its new owner said after seeing the photo of it! 😂

Oh, I wanted it to be nice but that's how my hand guided the letters... the proof we humans are not perfect and need a lot of practising to do things well. We just have to stay inspired - as my message says. As if it was speaking to me too!


I was tempted to peel off the letters and correct but no... it will stay this way. It is the process of improving (or not 😁) that we will witness through these kindness rocks.


What I realized after seeing my Stay Inspired rock is that I am anyway happy with the result and this whole morning (I spent with the rocks and colours a few hours...). This is how the rock Be Happy with this silly geometry without order or symmetry was made.

Maybe it is a gift to myself!




All those fancy skipping rocks and not a single piano key or treble clef or nothin.. <3

Hm... how could I forget that... Wait, I didn't 😉 a few days ago there was a little attempt but it stayed in this phase, unfinished 🎶


I knew all I had to say was skipping rock. = }

No trouble, at all! :D

All you said will make me focus on keys and treble clefs more 🤗

😎 🎶✨

Serene. I'd hate to live there said no one ever. Had you already heard of FKJ before I showed you that?

Tough to find a piano clip a piano player hasn't seen.

You don't have to correct certain mistakes or slips due to gravity or emotion. Among thousands of identical drawings, the most valuable will always be the one with a deviation, a small mistake. The unique one!

I love your passion for painting and I'm glad you're not bored yet. It's only when I think of having a stone or a piece of paper in front of me that I get scared, scared that I won't know what to draw, and then I look for a pattern to copy. I see you have imagination and that's great. Keep it up!

Bored? Noooo, not yet hahaha. We just came home from a walk and I brought two more rocks :D
We have these rounded pebbles and rocks at the beach but I am searching for a bit different ones, like a bit thinner rocks. Can't find those, you can imagine now where I look when we walk... to the ground 😂

I know that you will also paint some rocks and bring them to us to see them. And that they will be perfect, as our intentions and effort already make them perfect!
You can search for a model, idea or inspiration. I see your username and I see a moon, which is blue ;)

Oh, you've overwhelmed me and given me some inspiration too. I forgot that painting rocks includes looking for them. With your eyes on the ground who knows what you'll find... In my youth I used to walk like that, just looking at the ground, but I didn't find anything notable.

What a good hobby my friend, the truth is that I had never imagined it but thinking about it, you can see the fun, it is something I could do, I just don't have many painting skills jj, but well I don't think that is something fundamental for experience that form of expression. Your stones have been very striking and beautiful. He asked me how they would look if you applied a coat of clear varnish at the end to achieve greater shine and provide greater protection to the paint. Well the expert is you, jjj. Have a beautiful afternoon, greetings.

I don't have painting skills either hahaha, so if I can you can try it too. But I warn you, it is addictive 😂 once you start you can't stop. Next week I have to go back to work so it will be tricky to find more time for this process as I like it take it slow and not draw something in a rush.

Yes, I was thinking about adding a transparent varnish at the end to protect the colours and the rock, so it will have to come too. Step by step, we are all learning 😉

Thank you, and a nice afternoon to you too @darknapol

Your creativity is amazing! 🤩 I always need a model to draw…

You can have a model or think about something, get an idea, see drawings and transform it in your way ;)

Tú dime cuando vienes para empezar hacer una roca para ti 😋

I will be a little closer in a couple of weeks, at least we will share community (we’ll go to Vinaroz). 😅 I already looked to see if it was close...

oh, Vinaròs es el primer municipio en la comunitat cuando se está bajando del norte hacia el sur, creo recordarlo bien jeje

Not so close, but closer than usual :D

Are those the famous Rolling Stones? ;)

Hahaha, I could roll them so they become rolling stones 😂😂


Great you informed us you are sitting outside since the photos don't tell us that 🙃

Owww gravity. Gravity can be a bit on our case sometimes. I think he is mostly playful but can be hard for us. as well. But I think most of the time he likes to remind us that he is part of our lives. Great choice to keep his influence on the rock; The rock that will go places very very soon.

The 'Be Happy' one is super nice as well. Why is the stone of strange form? Creative writing there, for sure!

Let's Be Inspired and Stay Happy 🙃🎶

Let's Be Inspired and Stay Happy 🙃🎶

Oooooooh, this is good!!!! 😍

Now I should change the messages on my rocks hahaha. Or make new ones, before my tomorrow morning gig maybe? I don't know what those would look like... many zzzzzzzzz letters would be there 🤣

Mr Gravity - he played a nice influence here, so the rock stayed in this gravitated version 😉 (adding him to the family?)

dear mrs piano lady,
please be so kind NOT to attend to kindness rocks this evening.
we would not like you going nuts over them.
that said, we like people being nuts.
uhm, feel this is going to be a never-ending circle.
NJOY the keys tomorrow and the zzzzz later tonight
kind regards

ps Mr Gravity says: He needs to be added. He insists.


Dear Mr Gravity,
you are kindly added to the family gang.
You will need a welcome rock
but I am kindly asked NOT to touch the rocks this evening
so I hope you can meet Miss Patience
and have a nice chitchat
maybe even a dinner.

kind regards are kindly received


Your addiction is quite remarkable. 😉

Ando a la caza de un café con leche y una piedra.

Haha, the newspaper table cover was an old one I found at home

Y la caza de las chapas va bien?

Y la caza de las chapas va bien?

Una más añadida ayer. 🔥


Oh, by the way, gravity is what makes stars gather together to form huge rotating galaxies. 💫

Seems that my letters felt that force 🙂

I love your rock paintings.

The flower eyes on the small happy face are so cute.

That is the nature of handmade things and you can't get better without doing it.

I don't know how it would work with rocks and polish, but I wondered if later you are not happy with something, if you could paint the base color over the part you don't love and have a do-over. Of course we know a do-over could be worse ! 😄

I know how it is to be learning and practicing, still so much fun not matter how it ends. I like to think my imperfections just testify that it is indeed handmade.

So true, a do-over sometimes turns out worse than the first version 😁

I saw the other day all the new stuff you bought hahaha, so much fun with this painting addiction, I mean activity 😇✨

ha ha ... well.... it didn't seem like a lot because I just got a thing or two here and there and when I actually said I hadn't spent much money on "stuff" for my new hobby... addiction, at that moment, it didn't feel like I had, but once my mind went back and I remembered what I picked up or ordered here or there, I began to think maybe I HAD spent more than I realized. So I had to confess. That's right, I'm not fooling myself anymore either. LOL !

Oh well, I'll figure out how to justify it somehow. 😂

That's right, I'm not fooling myself anymore either. LOL


You are a great designer! good work! Have fun!

If an artist says me 😌

Thank you, Pinero, I hope these post get you inspired to make your painted rocks 😇

Talking about rocks, read my look last post, you will see the " Diente de Perro", the type of rocks in the coast of the Caribbean sea.. and sea Caribbean winter..

This is really beautiful and creative . I love the fact that you make time for yourself and you get to do fun stuff like this.

oh, I made that time for myself indeed. The breakfast - well, we ate just fruits, I was too focused on the rocks. Good that I didn't bite a rock instead of the apple haha

Haha.😂 maybe next time you would bite the rock.

What a beautiful way to send a present, to make art and give joy to the rocks as well. Those mistakes are not mistakes, they are originalities. I love the smiley face!😃

Not mistakes but originalities - that is what I also repeat myself when there is a missed note when I play the piano 😁

The same when a brushstroke doesn't fit the way I wanted or a colour or tone in a design... it's original!😁

Seems that we know very well how to make things in an original way lol

Of course, that's how we artists are! Geniuses!

A wonderful hobby, ideal for relaxation 🙂
I have no talent for working with colors, so I wouldn't even try.
It looks much more interesting to me when you paint on a colorless varnished stone, when you can see the structure of the stone (like Be happy). I can only imagine what this white pebble would look like, which should not be painted white.


It is going to be a little gift

Thanks to friends who have a talent for painting (like you), I also got a beautifully painted rock.


This is so NICE!! A beautiful painted rock you got from your friend, a small rock but so many details on it, we can even walk there! 😇 I like it a lot!

It is really beautifully painted.
I'm thinking of piercing it to put a loop so I can wear it around my neck 🙂

Very cool Hobby!

So I joined a fb pages, some years ago, that people shared photos on...

Of rocks like this that they found out in nature. The idea was to paint them and leave them for strangers to find :)

Cape Town Rocks

Or something like that. My son and I found a few on our walks together. Very exciting!

I think the idea is to then re-hide them for others to find. And we often did. But one was so cool that I kept it!

You were among the lucky ones to find hidden painted stones, that is cool. Have you tried to decorate your ones and leave them in places others to find them, or as a gift to someone? It is so much fun and enjoyment to draw something 😇

We did start some... the bases were done :)

But we never had the space or time to finish them.

And yes! Painting is always a great activity. In every form. Agreed!

Sending love, mama bear <3

I wish we have experience this activity during academic years back then but we have not because I think it's super fun thing to do.

I didn't have a lot of painting practice either, the last time somewhere in elementary school, but it is fun to start something we like, regardless of the age ;)

Amazing. My boys sometimes find stones like these and it makes their day ❤️

That's sweet.

We found one a few years ago, on the beach and took it home, we still keep it. And today, while walking my husband spotted one stone (it was a quite big one) that was painted, we just can't figure out what it represents hahah


Tricky one to decipher that. Maybe it was just younger kids and it's quite abstract 🤔

Que bonito el arte en piedras, 😊👏 yo hice una vez luego los publicaré


Me alegro oír esto 😇

Hogy te mikkel foglalkozol 😲 De jól néznek ki 😃

Jaj, köszi szépen 🤗

Ha egyszer lesz alkalmunk találkozni, készítek neked is egy kindness követ 😇

Very nice! One of my childhood friends has that as a hobby. She would collect the stones on her holidays.

I bet she loved that hobby, as I just started and love it 😇

These designs are stunning and to think that they are just paintings on a piece of rock, is really amazing.

Thank you, glad you liked them ;)

Cutie paintings on a cute Stones. I love them

Glad you like them :)

Your enthusiasm for painting rocks is contagious! It's wonderful to see how you're enjoying your new hobby and even finding inspiration from little mishaps like the reversed letters on the "Stay Inspired" rock. Keep embracing the process and enjoying the creative journey!

I hope it is contagious :D

It is always nice to find inspiration in little things, it can be a little rock or a flower, a colour, or a nice word and create from there more kindness 🌼

Great to see you’re back and creating such clever and creative stuff. Content I don’t often get to see. Thanks again for sharing 👌✨