Haven't Done A Ford In Ages! Welcome Back!

in Hive Motors9 days ago
Authored by @Technicalside


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

It Has Begun!

Now this one has been here before! But it seems it had some underlying issues that climbed out... Now this one is part of all those 6R80's that we were packing up to get built!

Yeah just one of many ey! Now let's get this first one done with!

On a different point of view... Who likes this colour? It's been a ugly damn colour for me but it has sort of grown on me to say the least of things! It has really grown on me... Maybe because we have a Audi Q3 in the shop that I am willing to buy from a customer but it has problems... Problems I can fix though but it is the same colour!

I think I like it but let's move on!


The First One Ready!

By the time of writing this one up we've already built the second one aswell... If anything we are making amazing progress!

I should make a timelapse of this sometime... Sometime real soon! I think that would look whack! Might be addictive to watch all those hundreds of parts finding their place!

Oh it's a satisfying feeling to build these and fit them and having no problems at all! A Real joy I can tell you that!
We have room for improvement though! A lot of room! Notice how brownish the casing still looks? Well we've not been able to get them cleaner than that... we might need to sand blast them I think or something else!

Probably the only downside of these things!


A Man Alone!

Laughs when I first started this job I always had to have someone help me to fit these... Not that I couldn't but I was scared they might fall of the gearbox jack or some whack stuff....

The more you do this the more comfortable things get...

The only time I need help is to get that 100 kilogram build on the jack and that is about that! From there on I am the guy! I can fit that thing within 45-60 minutes... then it's driving!
The 4x4's are a totally different ball game though, they take me about 105-120 minutes... Not much longer but they are a bit more tedious, just a bit more!

We should have probably wapped this one out before fitting this transmission back in place! But ah well!


If Only!

Heck take a look at that!

If only everything could look like the heat exchanger ey! Oh the clients would be exstatic... I doubt any of them actually jump underneath the pickups to check but it would please me more if we could!

Given I think Silverton also just sprays the coolers and stuff... Before long that paint would flake off and we'd be siting with an ugly wretched old thing!
At the very least it's one down in the bunch and for that I am happy for! We might run into some hiccups with the valve-bodies on the other... We are running out of parts and it would seem that parts availability just isn't there in our country anymore!

Things might really be going to crap now, however that's a conversation for a different community! For now be safe my peeps and have a good one!


Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Yes Ford is amazing. Working in this kind of activity must be a total plus. A marvel.

It's quite nice....but not always 😅😅 thanks for hitting a comment there!!