mrki-car cross-posted this post in Hive Motors 3 years ago

diesel engine nozzles

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)


🇺🇸 :

Fuel injection in modern cars is performed using electromagnetic injection nozzles whose task is to disperse the mixture of fuel and air in the form of a fine jet.

The fuel injection system, and especially the injectors, are very sensitive to the dirt in the system. The most common cause of nozzle contamination is dirt that has entered the system in various ways, either through the fuel supply or through the air supply. Poor quality fuel, irregular replacement of fuel filters and air filters cause the appearance of particles that create problems when the mixture of air and fuel passes through the small openings of the injectors. Dirty nozzles cannot disperse fuel properly, but larger droplets are formed. As a prevention of injection system problems, it is necessary to regularly change the fuel filter and air filter. In most cases, the choice of quality fuel and regular replacement of filters will allow smooth and efficient operation of the system for many years. Symptoms you may notice when your nozzles get dirty are: increased fuel consumption, loss of power, difficult engine start, .

200,000 to 300,000 km is the mileage that nozzles typically withstand in modern diesel engines with a Common Rail system. Let the nozzles last less e.g. Delphi, while Siemens and Denso longer.

There are no rules on how the injection system is damaged. Bosch, Siemens, Delphi, Denso systems - each of them works differently and is sensitive to other shortcomings. Fuel quality, air in the fuel system causes damage to the piezo elements or improper assembly can cause damage to the nozzles, injectors.

Modern diesel engines are equipped with sensitive exhaust gas cleaning systems. Exhaust gas sealing system The DPF filter clogs faster as a result of an injection system problem. Residues of unburned fuel reach the exhaust system. Thus, in case of clogging of the exhaust gas purification system, it is obligatory to check the nozzles as well.

The worst thing that can happen is the melting of the piston. The more fuel in the cylinders, the higher the temperature. High temperatures in the cylinder can lead to melting and destruction of the piston, which can be detrimental to the engine. This is followed by an expensive engine overhaul or engine replacement.

My advice is that as soon as you notice any of these symptoms, go to the service and do a nozzle check

🇷🇸 :

Ubrizgavanje goriva u modernim automobilima vrši se pomoću elektromagnetnih mlaznica za ubrizgavanje čiji je zadatak da rasprše mješavinu goriva i zraka u obliku finog mlaza.

Sistem za ubrizgavanje goriva, a posebno injektori, veoma su osetljivi na prljavštinu u sistemu. Najčešći uzrok kontaminacije mlaznica je prljavština koja je ušla u sistem na različite načine, bilo kroz dovod goriva ili kroz dovod zraka. Nekvalitetno gorivo, neredovna zamjena filtera goriva i filtera zraka uzrokuju pojavu čestica koje stvaraju probleme kada mješavina zraka i goriva prolazi kroz male otvore injektora. Prljave mlaznice ne mogu pravilno raspršiti gorivo, ali se stvaraju veće kapljice. Kao prevenciju problema sa sistemom ubrizgavanja, potrebno je redovno menjati filter goriva i filter vazduha. U većini slučajeva, izbor kvalitetnog goriva i redovna zamjena filtera omogućit će nesmetan i efikasan rad sistema dugi niz godina. Simptomi koje možete primijetiti kada vam se mlaznice zaprljaju su: povećana potrošnja goriva, gubitak snage, otežano pokretanje motora, .

200.000 do 300.000 km je kilometraža koju mlaznice obično podnose u modernim dizel motorima sa Common Rail sistemom. Neka mlaznice traju manje npr. Delphi, dok Siemens i Denso duže.

Ne postoje pravila o tome kako je sistem za ubrizgavanje oštećen. Sistemi Bosch, Siemens, Delphi, Denso - svaki od njih radi drugačije i osjetljiv je na druge nedostatke. Kvalitet goriva, zrak u sistemu za gorivo uzrokuje oštećenje piezo elemenata ili nepravilna montaža može uzrokovati oštećenje mlaznica, injektora.

Moderni dizel motori opremljeni su osjetljivim sistemima za čišćenje izduvnih plinova. Sistem zaptivke izduvnih gasova DPF filter se brže začepljuje kao rezultat problema sa sistemom za ubrizgavanje. Ostaci neizgorelog goriva dospevaju u izduvni sistem. Dakle, u slučaju začepljenja sistema za prečišćavanje izduvnih gasova, obavezna je provera i mlaznica.

Najgora stvar koja se može desiti je topljenje klipa. Što je više goriva u cilindrima, to je viša temperatura. Visoke temperature u cilindru mogu dovesti do topljenja i uništenja klipa, što može biti štetno za motor. Nakon toga slijedi skup remont motora ili zamjena motora.

Moj savjet je da čim primijetite bilo koji od ovih simptoma odete u servis i provjerite mlaznice

Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸
Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸