PMS of Montero Sports GLS 2010

in Hive Motors3 months ago


My husband, just retired from the service, has always been a busy bee. He always want to have something to do.

So while waiting for a call for a new job, he accepts auto repair jobs. He was a Chief Engine Man of Navy vessels, as his previous job. He can repair engines from the smallest ( as small as lawn mower) to big as ship engine.

He has no auto shop, he only do repairs in our garage.


An acquaintance of him requested a PMS (Preventive Maintenance Schedule) for his Montero Sports GLS Mitsubishi engine which consists of:

Servicing/cleaning of :

  • EGR Valve - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
    *Intake Manifold
    *Exhaust Gas Turbo Charger

Preventive Maintenance Schedule is important to be done regularly to prevent unwanted engine breakdowns which is so inconvenient especially when it happens when you are headed to work or an essential and urgent activity.

Here's a photo of the car's engine before teardown :


Here is the photos of the parts he disassembled to be cleaned:










Instead of degreaser, he used gasoline to clean the engine parts, then washed it with powder detergent, and rinse with tap water. This method is cheaper than using degreaser which is a bit expensive.

Upon checking other parts, he found out that the wires of the headlight was nibbled by a rat.


So he fixed it by placing electrical tape to the damaged wire. He didn't recommended to change it since it is still working, only the wires are damaged. It is as good as new now.


Upon washing the parts and assembling them again, here's the picture of cleaned parts:





Here's the video of the newly cleaned engine running:

After road test, the result is satisfactory.

He was paid P3,000 or just roughly $60! So cheap eh? Yep, that's how cheap is the labor here in my country. But it's okay, the amount is worth at least 3 days meal for a family of 5.. What is important is for him to hone his skills as auto mechanic.