Stay where You are Relevant

in Sports Talk Social3 years ago

Over the years, we have seen famous and talked about footballers go into oblivion simply because they made a certain transfer move. It is no news that when you are good as a footballer and in top form, countless clubs would want to sign you on their team. This often goes both ways which makes it very important for players to consider their transfer moves before taking them.

Football style varies per country per league as we all know. A player who is doing very well in English Premier League might not do very well in other leagues except he stays there a while and gets to understand the new pattern of play. This is an unpopular opinion though. Similarly, they are some players that can always adapt easily and fast.

I'm saying this to say that, it is always a great idea to remain where you are shining as a player, valued and known. Instead of being lured by big club names and money to go fade and become irrelevant. Remain where you have sufficient playing time. Of course we know how important playing time is. If as a player, you do not have playing time, the truth is there will be no room for improvement.


Phillipe Coutinho Case Study

The sad truth is only few people still talk about this name often in the football space. Whereas, way back 2018, it was a very common name in the mouth of football lovers and popular because of the achievements he recorded while at Liverpool FC. Coutinho was a very great, promising and skillful football. He always performed well for Liverpool both with scoring, dribbling, passes and free-kicks and everyone wanted him to remain at Liverpool.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Phillipe Coutinho was lured away by FC Barcelona and he couldn't resist. Yes, Barcelona is a great and successful football club. Many players would want to be there however, players should always consider certain factors before joining big clubs. Sadly, Coutinho moving to the Spanish side was the beginning of the end of his game. Today, many don't talk about him anymore.

While at Barcelona, he never had sufficient playing time compared to when he was in England reason being that they were too many star players there as at that time. Because of this and other unfavourable factors, Coutinho gradually went into extinction. Believe me, if Coutinho was still at Liverpool FC, he would still be making the headlines today.

Why Salah should be careful..

Mohammed Salah happens to find himself in the same position today. He is doing really well and many big clubs will definitely come knocking and we just hope he makes the right decision. I know he said in an interview that he would want to play for Liverpool FC for a very long time but it's not up to him to decide. Of course that's true, it's up to the club to decide whether to keep him or not.

If you ask me, I'd say he should remain at Liverpool!

For clarity purpose, I'm not in anyway saying that being signed by other clubs is not a good thing or that it will always end badly - No. That's not my point. My point is that players should remain or go to where they'll always have enough playing time so as to be able to improve upon themselves and grow thereby.


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How else do you want me to say it??

I wrote an article about money and football. Unfortunately it appears money can motivate players to join a club not best suited

Exactly. Money is what influences most of their transfer decisions.

I don't think it was actually Coutinho's fault that he was being tossed here and there but it's still painful to see his career falling apart every season.

If you aske, I'd say that a player can decide whether to stay or go irrespective of prevalent conditions