What is truly happening to Manchester United: A post worth reading

For some time now I have been minding my business when it comes to talking about my club not to talk of another club. If we are to talk about other club and maybe we talk somehow about them, their fans will say it is because my team is simply because we are doing better than his/her team that is why we are bad mounting their team. This is why when it comes to talking about another club, I am somehow using my brain to get that done. I don't just jump into such topic, I applies wisdom while doing this as this might goes a long way to con tribute positive or negative to such team. This is why wisdom is needed when discussing about another team when it relates to soccer.

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For some time now I have been seating down and observing the Manchester United team. We all knows that when it comes to last year, Manchester United performance were far better than this, they ended up seating on second position below Manchester city and that saw a lot of people supporting them as they were tagged as favourite to lift the English premier league this year. The reason while people were saying this was simply because of their amamzing performance. They were at their best if I may say during last year. To an extent do you knows that I got jealous of them because of their amazing performance, but as at that time I just can't voice it out haha.

I was expecting them to do amazingly well this season but that didn't happen as Manchester United were simply and easily replaced by Liverpool fc. This is simply because they were not performing the way they were doing the last time, I mean last season of the English premier league title race. This to me this is a big mess as they are currently occupying fifth position of the English premier league with a very poor point. They are currently on 47 point while Liverpool fc are on 63 position while Manchester city are on 69 point.



With this comparison we can see that Manchester United are far away behind the two team as they are 14 point behind Liverpool fc and 22nd point behind Manchester city. We all knows with what we have at hand i.e referring to Manchester United with title hope, it is no longer possible. The team ahead i.e Manchester city which is their rival will not want to drop a point for them because they knows if they do that, Liverpool fc might go ahead of them and this might cause them to loose or miss out of the English premier league trophy for 2021/2022 English premier league season. We all knows that nobody wants to loose a point at this current point in time between Manchester city and Liverpool fc. This is what is making the English premier league competition interesting I must admit.

Before Manchester United signed Cristiano Ronaldo to Manchester United I said it that Manchester United will surely have issues if they ends up signing Cristiano Ronaldo. I was majorly against the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo, funny enough, as at that time I can't even state a good reason why I don't want him to be signed to Manchester United. One thing that I hold on to is that I said the team will concentrate all their attentions to Cristiano Ronaldo, they will end up forgetting that he is an old and aged player. This is a big major point that needs to be looked into.

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The above was mainly the main reason why I was against the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo to Manchester United. I knows how the signing of such player will end up disorganising the team as some players will be on his side (Cristiano Ronaldo) while others might not. This at hand will end up crippling the team from all angles. For a team to scale 100% we have to have all the players playing in one body instead of disorganising the team. When I was saying that the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo will kill and disorganized the team they thought I was joking but take a look at my words right now, we can see that it has come to pass. For Manchester United to get back to their best form they need to sell Cristiano Ronaldo, this is what will be the remedy to what will help the team. Simply without this, the team will continue to suffers.

The above is just what I have at hand to say. The reason they are struggling (Manchester United) is simply because of the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo, they simply have to let him go and surely the team will be back to it best. This is not the era where Manchester United need aged players.

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I will end the post here, if you have anything else to say please air your view by commenting.


Big names, big ego!

You said it all.