Honestly, I don't know why Mayweather fights anyone at all. He certainly doesn't need the money as his net worth is well over a billion dollars and that is just the money we know about. In actuality he is probably worth considerably more when you consider that his exhibition fights bring in hundreds of millions of dollars.
Mayweather, who is 45, is still keeping his head in the boxing game but only for the money, not for the actual competition in the sport and even though I think his exhibitions are stupid, you can't really argue with his sense of how to make money.

I don't think anyone really expects a 45-year old to get in the ring and beat the tar out of 20-somethings that are real boxers but I think I am not the only one that found it amusing that he would admit to the fact that he isn't trying to fight "real fighters" at this point in his life.
On September 25th, Mayweather won another exhibition, this time in Japan, in the 2nd round of 3 over Mikuru Asakura, a man I have never even heard of. Apparently Asakura is an MMA fighter who has quite the fanbase in Japan, although not a global superstar. Mayweather won with relative ease, as was expected. At the post-fight press-conference he was asked if he would be willing to have another bout with his ex-rival Manny Pacquiao, who was at the Japan fight. Mayweather responded quite frankly that he is not interested in fighting anyone other than MMA guys or YouTubers - to which those in attendance found quite amusing.

It was over rather quickly
I did like that Mayweather at least embraced that he is going for easy wins because that is the way that it would appear to all of us that bother to watch this. For me, I think it kind of takes away from the sport since almost all of these fake boxing matches look sloppy and in the case of something like the Logan Paul fight, even scripted.
It doesn't stop people from spending tons of money to watch the 50-0 GOAT get into the ring though and I am sure that Mayweather isn't interested in tarnishing his perfect record. At his age, getting into the kind of shape to be back at his best probably isn't possible, even with PEDs and the best trainers and gyms in the world at his disposal.
I haven't really cared much about Mayweather since the McGregor fight and honestly, we kind of have to blame Conor for the fact that exhibition fights are even a thing at all. There is more money in these fights (for the fighters) than any of their other prospective bouts so I guess if they want to do it, go for it. I won't be paying to see any of it though.
Big money, that's for sure. I think he is an alright guy but yeah, there is no doubt that this is all about the paycheck. It's just funny because he doesn't really even need any more money. With 1.1 billion in career earnings he won't be at the soup kitchen anytime soon.