Heute die verbleibenden Spiele des 4. Spieltags in der Champions League.
Today the remaining games of the 4th matchday in the Champions League.
Leverkusen spielt zu hause gegen Porto. Leverkusen muß das Heimspiel gewinnen und ich sehe mit dem neuen Trainer gute Chancen. Ich tippe 3:1 Heimsieg.
Leverkusen plays Porto at home. Leverkusen have to win the home game and I see good chances with the new coach. I bet 3:1 home win.
Tottenham spielt zu hause gegen Frankfurt. Ich sehe Tottenham im Heimspiel als Favorit und tippe 2:1 Heimsieg.
Tottenham plays Frankfurt at home. I see Tottenham as the favorite in the home game and predict a 2-1 home win.
Pilsen spielt zu hause gegen Bayern. Bayern zu stark für die Mannschaft aus Tschechien und deshalb 0:3 Auswärtssieg.
Pilsen plays at home against Bayern. Bayern too strong for the team from the Czech Republic and therefore 0:3 away win.
Best regards & Glück auf
sportfreiFunny matches @all
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I don’t know why but I think Spurs will loose to Frankfurt. Baryern will always be Baryern and as usual they will try to qualify early.
As a spurs fan, I am hoping you are wrong :) It's a pressure game and we usually do crack, but under Conte we don't :)
Frankfurt started not so bad but the Spurs played clever and won the game.
Best regards
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What a night in Barcelona and the draw ist really ok.
Best regards
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What a night in Barcelona and the draw is really ok.
Best regards
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