Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
The response from you to my last NBA play-off tipping challenge that I hosted 2 weeks ago was very good so I´m coming with another round today. Let me start out by saying that I´m so proud of my Czech hometown basketball club BK Opava that has been doing amazing so far and after beating USK Prague 4:1 in the quarter finals, we are currently leading 2:0 in the semi final series against Basket Brno. Today is the Game 3 and I hope we will win this one too.
But the Czech Basketball League is not the one that we will be tipping on in this challenge of course. We will take a look at another highly attractive NBA game and for this round, I picked the third quarter final battle between Milwaukee Bucks and Boston Celtics.
Image source: www.nba.com
The third quarter final game between Milwaukee Bucks and Boston Celtics will take place on Saturday, May 7 at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The game starts at 9:30 PM (CET), which is also the deadline for your entries. Let me also inform you that this quarter final series between Milwaukee and Boston is currently tied 1:1.
Unlike with football (soccer) games, guessing the exact result of a basketball match would be too hard so let´s just guess the margin of the result. For example, you can write something like "Milwaukee will win by 12 points" or "Boston will win by 7 points".
As usually, just one entry per person and no editing please. You can submit a guess that has already been submitted by someone else before if you want.
You can start submitting your guesses in the comment section below from now until Saturday, 9:30 PM (CET). Then, I will go through all the valid entries and give my upvotes on the correct (or closest) ones.
Good luck everyone and have fun! :)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Milwaukee o 5
Lehký of topic, Opava zatim pohoda koukám :)
Nakonec 103:101 pro Bucks, takže jsi byl nejblíž, gratulka :)
Jo, zatím pohoda, jak jsem předpokládal ;) Myslím, že v úterý je doklepnem. Pak hlavně zmobilizovat všechny zbývající síly a pokusit se (letos už podruhé) přepsat české basketbalové dějiny. Mám v plánu být osobně přítomen na všech finálových zápasech proti NBK (doma i venku), nechtěl bys na některý z nich do NBK taky dojet? Z Pardubic to máš kousek :) Zafandíme, pokecáme :)
Asi bych měl častěji tipovat za sebe a neptat se baskeťáků :D
Hele nechci úplně slibovat. Já mám většinou odpoledne tréninky a třeba čtvrtky a středy totálně zabitý. Tam se prostě nedostanu. Ale kdyby to vyšlo na pondělí/úterý, dalo by se to nějak udělat. Hádám ale, že do Nymburku jen tak lístek na místě neseženu ne? :D
Já myslím, že lístky problém nebudou ;) Návštěvy jsou v Nymburku dlouhodobě velká bída... Naši fans určitě dorazí, ale nevyprodají to. Takže podle mě prostě lístky budou i na místě. Nechme to tedy otevřené ;) U nás vyprodání haly na finále "hrozí" celkem dost, ale Opavu máš z ruky, tam tě tahat nebudu, byť teda zážitek to bude bezpochyby nezapomenutelný ;)
Napíšem si na Discord, až budeme vědět nějakej datum :)
Deal :)
Milwaukee will win by 6points
They won but 2 but you were very close, congrats :)
You didn´t specify the margin but Milwaukee won indeed, thanks for joining the fun :)
Milwaukee win by 12 points.
They actually won by 2 (103:101) but your tip was still good, congrats :)
Milwaukee By 22
103:101 for the Bucks so not as crushing win as you predicted but still a win, congrats :)
Milwaukee win by 9 points !
They actually won just by 2 but that was still a very good guess from you ;) Thanks for jonining the challenge!
When you write about the nba or basketball you can use the #dunk tag . Thanks to dunksocial.io you can earn the dunk token too.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know, I didn´t know about this tag :)
Boston will win by 13 points!
I'll go Boston by 15
Posted using SportsTalkSocial
Celtic 6 poindz.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 35/45) Liquid rewards.