djuramrdja cross-posted this post in Sports Talk Social 2 years ago

Braća- Brothers

in BANAT2 years ago

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Poznato je da u mnogim sportovima igraju jedan protiv drugog rođena braća. Ove sezone jedan protiv drugog igraju dva brata. Rastko igra za KK Breg iz Vršca, a Nemanja za KK Vojka iz Vojke. Obe ekipe igraju Drugu Srpsku ligu.Do prošle sezone Rastko i Nemanja igrali su zajedno za KK Breg iz Vršca i osvojili Letnju ligu. Pre toga igrali su zajedno u mlađim kategorijama Lajonsa i Hemofarma, a kao stariji juniori za prvi tim KK Vršca. Rastko je sa ekipom Vršca bio prvak Košarkaške lige Srbije a Nemanja je sa KK Vršcem igrao ABA dva ligu.

It is known that in many sports, siblings play against each other. This season, two brothers are playing against each other. Rastko plays for KK Breg from Vršac, and Nemanja for KK Vojka from Vojka. Both teams play in the Second Serbian League. Until last season, Rastko and Nemanja played together for KK Breg from Vršac and won the Summer League. Before that, they played together in the junior categories of Lions and Hemofarm, and as senior juniors for the first team of KK Vršac. Rastko with the Vršac team was the champion of the Serbian Basketball League, and Nemanja played in the ABA two leagues with KK Vršac.

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Vršac je grad bogate košarkaške tradicije. Muške i ženske ekipe iz ovog banatskog grada ostvile su trag u Jugoslovenskoj i Srpskoj košarci. Osvajani su mnogi trofeji. Košarkaši i košarkašice iz Vršca igrali su u svim reprezentativnim selkecijama. Od mlađih kategorija do seniora. Igrali na evropskim, svetskim prvenstvima i Olimpijskim igrama. Osvajači su mnogih medalja sa tih takmičenja. Danas u KK Vršcu uglavnom igraju igrači sa strane, tako da je došlo do inicijative da se osnuje klub u kome pretežno igraju igrači iz Vršca i okoline. KK Breg iz Vršca osnovan je maja 2022.godine. Osnovali su ga košarkaši iz Vršca koji su ranije igrali u Hemofarmu, Lajonsima i KK Vršcu.

Vršac is a city with a rich basketball tradition. Men's and women's teams from this Banat city left their mark in Yugoslav and Serbian basketball. Many trophies were won. Basketball players from Vršac played in all representative teams. From junior categories to seniors. Played in European, world championships and Olympic games. They are the winners of many medals from those competitions. Today, KK Vršac is mostly played by players from the sidelines, so there was an initiative to found a club where mostly players from Vršac and the surrounding area play. KK Breg from Vršac was founded in May 2022. It was founded by basketball players from Vršac who previously played in Hemofarm, Lions and KK Vršac.

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Stariji od braće Rastko je kapiten KK Brega, a Nemanja je ove sezone pojačao ekipu KK Vojke. Obojca sa dosta uspeha igraju u svojim ekipama. Rastko je najbolji strelac i skakač u svojoj ekipi. Igra na poziciji dva i tri. Dok je Nemanja plejmejker koji se ističe asistencijama, prodorom i šutom za tri poena.

The older of the Rastko brothers is the captain of KK Brega, and Nemanja has strengthened the team of KK Vojka this season. Both play with a lot of success in their teams. Rastko is the best shooter and jumper in his team. He plays in positions two and three. While Nemanja is a playmaker who stands out with assists, penetration and three-point shooting.

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Dok dva brata uživaju u magičnoj igri iznad obruča na tribinama su i roditelji. Prate svaki pokret svojih sinova i pomalo strepe kada se nađu jedan protiv drugog u borbi za loptu, skoku, šutu...

While the two brothers are enjoying the magical game above the hoop, their parents are also in the stands. They follow their sons' every move and are a little nervous when they find themselves against each other in a fight for the ball, jumping, shooting...

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Utakmica koja je odigrana u Vršcu u Hali Hemijske škole završena je pobedom KK Brega rezultatom 94:74. Rastko je bio najbolji strelac na utakmici sa 19 postignutih koševa i desetak skokova, dok je Nemanja imao 11 poena i sedam asistencija. Braća su uživala u igri i zakazali novu utakmicu u kojoj će igrati jedan protiv drugog.

The match, which was played in Vršac in the Hall of the Chemical School, ended with the victory of KK Brega with a score of 94:74. Rastko was the best scorer in the game with 19 points and a dozen rebounds, while Nemanja had 11 points and seven assists. The brothers enjoyed the game and scheduled another game to play against each other.

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Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!


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