What a Night! || Football united (ENG — ESP)

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The Liverpool's stadium, Anfield, of capacity 53,394 is an intimidating place to play and also get a result is the confession of most football player who have had the privilege to play there. Most especially in this era when Klopp seems to have galvanised the club as a whole and anything they touch turns to gold. The team play one of the most exciting football games to watch, their set up is amazing, the execution of the ghenghen style of pressing game is quite impressive and the calibre of players they have arguably are the best in world. Truly they have not walked alone this season in accordance to their anthem even as they pursue a quadruplet this season.

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But in the game between Liverpool and Manchester United who is their bitter rival, Liverpool FC, fans, players, etc, they all United with the Manchester United fans and gave Christiano Ronaldo, arguably the best footballer in the world at the seventh minute a stand up ovation in the memory of his twin son, who died yesterday. Earlier on Christiano Ronaldo and his wife Georgina Rodriguez released a statement via Instagram about the death of their son.

"It is with our deepest sadness we have to announce that our baby has passed away. It is the greatest pain that any parents can feel. Only the birth of our baby girl gives us the strength to live this moment with some hope and happiness. We would like to thank the doctors and nurses for all their expert care and support. We are all devastated at this loss and we kindly ask for privacy at their very difficult time.

Our baby boy, you are our angel. We will always love you."

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After the ovation, the Liverpool fans sang the Liverpool's anthem, you will never walk alone for Ronaldo. It was a wonderful and emotional sight to see. This goes a long way to show that football is a unifying force.

Other football clubs, players and fans sent their condolence to Christiano Ronaldo and family.

Though the match ended in a 4-0 thrashing of the Manchester United team. But the event in the 7th minute stood out and overshadowed the scoreline. The show of love, support and unity displayed yesterday was overwhelming.

My condolence goes to the family of Christiano Ronaldo.

Thank you for reading through my post.


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El estadio del Liverpool, Anfield, con capacidad para 53.394 espectadores, es un lugar intimidante para jugar y también para obtener un resultado es la confesión de la mayoría de los futbolistas que han tenido el privilegio de jugar allí. Sobre todo en esta época en la que Klopp parece haber galvanizado al club en su conjunto y todo lo que toca se convierte en oro. El equipo practica uno de los juegos de fútbol más emocionantes de ver, su puesta en escena es asombrosa, la ejecución del estilo ghenghen de juego presionante es bastante impresionante y el calibre de los jugadores que tienen es posiblemente el mejor del mundo. Verdaderamente no han caminado solos esta temporada de acuerdo con su himno, incluso cuando persiguen un cuádruplete esta temporada.

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Pero en el partido entre el Liverpool y el Manchester United, que es su acérrimo rival, el Liverpool FC, los aficionados, los jugadores, etc., se unieron a los hinchas del Manchester United y ovacionaron a Christiano Ronaldo, posiblemente el mejor futbolista del mundo, en el minuto 7, en memoria de su hijo gemelo, fallecido ayer. Anteriormente, Christiano Ronaldo y su esposa Georgina Rodríguez publicaron un comunicado a través de Instagram sobre la muerte de su hijo.

"Con nuestra más profunda tristeza tenemos que anunciar que nuestro bebé ha fallecido. Es el mayor dolor que cualquier padre puede sentir. Sólo el nacimiento de nuestra niña nos da fuerzas para vivir este momento con algo de esperanza y felicidad. Queremos dar las gracias a los médicos y a las enfermeras por todos sus cuidados expertos y su apoyo. Todos estamos devastados por esta pérdida y pedimos amablemente privacidad en este momento tan difícil.

Nuestro bebé, eres nuestro ángel. Siempre te querremos".

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Tras la ovación, la afición del Liverpool cantó el himno del Liverpool, you will never walk alone para Ronaldo. Fue un espectáculo maravilloso y emotivo. Esto demuestra en gran medida que el fútbol es una fuerza unificadora.

Otros clubes de fútbol, jugadores y aficionados enviaron sus condolencias a Christiano Ronaldo y su familia.

Aunque el partido terminó con un 4-0 a favor del Manchester United. Pero el acontecimiento del minuto 7 destacó y eclipsó el marcador. La muestra de amor, apoyo y unidad mostrada ayer fue abrumadora.

Mi pésame a la familia de Christiano Ronaldo.

Gracias por leer mi post.


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It was a nice gesture because humanity trumps rivalry. They showed class and that's what we want to see in football. Massive respect for Liverpool.

It was really an impressive show of support. Yep! Respect to Liverpool FC no doubt.

Thank you for visiting my post.

Absolutely impressive.


Hope the Goat can overcome this tragedy hope to see him in his best shape soon

I hope so, we need him back, physically fit and mentally strong to give his best for remaining six games.

Thanks for visiting my post.

Nice post you have here.. I really wish the GOAT and his family , quick and happy recovery from his loss... Manchester united really needs him now..

Yea, indeed he was sorely missed in the match played yesterday. But we all hope he recovers from the loss and joins up with the team to push for a top 4 finish.

Thank you @milezofplay for visiting my post and your comment.