Ultrabalaton 2022

Ultrabalaton is a popular running event in Hungary, it goes all the way around Lake Balaton with a distance of ~217 km. There are people who run the whole thing alone, but our little running team is not so tough yet. This was the second year we went to this event, this time with 10 people. We arrived the day before, so we can start running well rested. Our accommodation was excellent.


There were ~17000 participants this year, so the teams were starting from 6 am to 2 pm continuously. We started at 6:20 am.



During the day I ran 3 times (~25km overall), and also did a little cycling, because our runners were accompanied by an other team member on a bike the whole time. My initial plan was to reach an average 6 min/km on the event, which was successful and made me quite happy.


Our team finished the race at around 2 am the next day with an overall time of 19 hours and 17 minutes for the 217 km distance.


This was a quite fun event again. Our team is great, and the organizers create a fun and welcoming atmosphere. I like to do these competitions regularly to have a goal to train for during the year. I'm sure we do this again next year.


Yay! 🤗
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Sounds like good fun even though it is basically a day of exercise.

Yea, according to my garmin, I lost ~8k calories that day :D, but we didn't feel it during the day. The next day though...

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