Big Match Italia vs Spanyol



DINI hari nanti dua kesebelasan raksasa benua biru akan bertarung dilapangan hijau dalam ajang bergengsi EURO 2020, masing-masing kesebelasan sebelumnya telah menghajar lawan-lawannya, berdasarkan satistik kedua kesebelasan yang lebih menguntungkan adalah Italia karena dalam babak penyisihan tidak pernah mengalami kekalahan.

Prediksi saya berbanding terbalik dengan hasil statistik kedua kesebelasan, walaupun italia menang secara statistik saya perkirakan tim matador akan memenangkan pertandingan nanti.

Skor 1-0 untuk spanyol


EARLY this morning, two giant teams of the blue continent will fight on the green in the prestigious EURO 2020 event, each of the previous teams having beaten their opponents, based on statistics the two teams that are more profitable are Italy because in the preliminary round they have never lost.

My prediction is inversely proportional to the statistical results of the two teams, even though Italy wins statistically I predict the matador team will win the match later.

Score 1-0 to Spain

@abifarras i have helped you to translate to english for those that do not understand the language...

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Thank you very much

You are mostly welcomed

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