poor dragonfly

Dragonflies are one of the insects that inhabit this planet or creatures that have a beautiful and attractive appearance and they have gone through various stages of evolution so that they can perfect their ability to fly to become beautiful creatures that we can enjoy and be amazing.
But make no mistake they are actually fierce predators with sharp jaws and a sight of almost 360 degrees and can fly backwards amazingly.





And the fact of the dragonflies is that they would make a creepy mustard if we were a tiny insect and it could intercept any prey in the air.
And the greatest thing is that dragonflies can fly in all directions including sideways and backwards, for them dragonflies cannot bite humans because their jaws are not strong enough to bite our skin, they only eat their prey but dragonflies only do it as self defense or for life.

And here I have explained a little about dragonflies, then I found a dragonfly that is tired because it can't fly anymore because of its broken wing.
I was so sorry to see him and I could only help him put it in a tree so he could live again despite his unfortunate circumstances.