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RE: Stick insect (Phasmatoptera) / Gespenstschrecken (Phasmiden)

in Fascinating Insects2 years ago

Oh! Your little princess is so brave and really patient in letting the stick insect crawling on her hand, her shoulder and her head.... The insect is so big and I'm myself very afraid of it, I must confess! Haha! ;D

The butterfly is magnificent. I like it.

You and your warm family did great thing in helping the natural environment. The greenery and the rain makes the area looks relaxing and refreshing.

I look forward to your post about the Iguana with much interest. ;)


Yesterday we had another long drive cos we moved to another city, so I didn't check my blog. By the way, you don't need to fear the insect here. Stick Insects are not poisonous nor like to bite 😉.
I might post another story today but not sure yet whether I upload the iguana first or another story. Just stay tune, LOL

Okay! I'll try to not fear the Stick Insects....even though their appearance look strange for me.... ;)

Awaiting for your new stories.... ;))