Avispa papelera//Paper wasp

in Fascinating Insects4 years ago


Saludos estimados y amigos de hive. Como siempre para mi es un honor estar con ustedes. Hoy les voy a hablar de este insecto tan dócil como es la avispa papelera.


Greetings dear friends of hive. As always it is an honor for me to be with you. Today I am going to talk to you about this docile insect, the paper wasp.




Esta avispa es la mas comun serca de los humanos. Por eso lo manso de ellas. Tanto que tome las fotos pegaditas a su nido. Su nido lo crean a base de residuos de madera ligada con su saliba.


This wasp is the most common near humans. That's why they are so tame. So much so that I took the photos of them right next to their nest. Their nest is made of a wooden recidua bound with their saliva.




Suelen hacer sus nidos en casas habitada por los humanos. A diferecia de los demas sus casas suelen ser abierta y alargado.
No suelen ser agresivas. Pero en ultima instancias defiende su nido.
Al igual que el resto de las abispas se alimentan de la sabia, néctar o cualquier otra sustancia azucarada y restos de alimenros.


They usually make their nests in houses inhabited by humans. Unlike the others, their houses are usually open and elongated.
They are not usually aggressive. But ultimately defends its nest.
Like the rest of the bees, they feed on sap, nectar or any other sugary substance and leftover food.




A finales de verano la reyna pondra sus primeros huevos de los cuales nacerán sus primeras hembras. Tambien naceran los primeros machos que se Irán con las hembras a crear otros nidos.


At the end of summer the queen will lay her first eggs from which her first females will hatch. The first males will also be born and will go with the females to create other nests.


Verán porque les dices abispas papeleras.
They will see why you call them paper garbage cans.


Bueno mis estimados y amigos de Hive. Como siempre para mi es un honor entregarles mis contenidos. Espero les alla gustado y cuento con su apoyo.

Well my dear friends of Hive. As always for me it is an honor to give you my contents. I hope you like it and I count on your support.


These wasps are very peculiar since they are not aggressive.

At home there was a hornet's nest of those for years and I did not dare to bother for fear that they would bite me and then I learned that they are very passive, greetings @rrom21.