fine weather made my activities smooth today. by doing many things around the home page. I found an interesting insect today.
"Periplaneta australasiae"
Adult Australian cockroaches have a length of 27 - 33 mm.
Brown with a pale yellow outline on the front wing.
Life cycle
Female Australian cockroaches can hold 24 eggs in an ootheca (egg case) the day after production.
After hatching, nymphs take 6-12 months to breed into adult cockroaches.
Australian cockroaches generally enter the building at night through the yard and debris around the building.
Generally found in areas where winters are relatively mild.
Regardless of its name, this type of cockroach is not a native cockroach species from Australia.
but even though this cockroach is known in australia! today i found it in indonesia. which is in my home page.
Wow what a big roach. You need to find a giant gecko to eat him.
@sketch.and.jam , don't be surprised. This cockroach is not dangerous because I also had time to hold it. hhh .. the gecko has a big head and a wide mouth. can only swallow this cockroach! 😊🤭🤭