Greetings @zonadigital21, to summon the ENGAGE bot, you need to hold 1,001 ENGAGE tokens. After that, you can summon the with the !ENGAGE+X
command, X being the number of how many ENGAGE you want to award.
A good rule is a line of text is worth 5 to 10 ENGAGE, and an award-winning comment is 100 or more.
ok thanks to see if it works out for me hahaha !ENGAGE 1
You only hold 62 ENGAGE, not gonna work like that, you need 1,000+ ENGAGE to use the command, I already mentioned that.
hahaha if I already realized it is that as you said that you could with 1,001 ENGAGE oense that the 0 after the as they were decimals, hahaha wrong law ok I understand when I have 1000 I will give you thank you very much for explaining me
You need to have 1000 ENGAGE, in order to use this service.