When Cistus bushes start to bloom, they become the most popular feeding spot for all kinds of insects. One bush can have dozens of flowers open in the same.
Dozens of flowers full of delicious pollen and nectar! :)
Tropinota beetles are big and tend to take over the whole flower. They are rough and don't care if someone (me) is watching. And there is a lot to look at. They will move around and push aside all the stamens. And when they are done, they tend to leave a mess behind.
The little bees are a lot gentles. They almost drown in all the yellow fluff and leave only when they are all covered in yellow dust.
We cannot forget Honey Bees.
Pollen, nectar... anything goes :)
Please notice a different technique here. Probably because of their size.
Little Hoverfly was looking for one too.
They are fun to watch, but damn hard to catch.
Late for the party?
Not really.
There is a lot more flowers to come.
Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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Hey @ewkaw, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I love bugs when they melt with flowers nectar, cool shots, is that sigma 105mm macro lens or normal prime ?
Thanks a lot!
It is a macro prime lens. Fully recommend it :)
Waaw,, a mazing .. nice photo
Thank you :)
Perfect shot of these beetles and insects eating flower nectar, I really like photography
Thank you :) Glad you liked it!
you're welcome, of course 👍👍
Maravillosas fotografías, me encantaron muchísimo, y los golosos insectos se están dando un banquete espectacular, están repletos de polen, 😂 🤣 😂
Saludos y bendiciones para esta nueva semana.
Thank you! They really do enjoy the feast there :)
Have an awesome week!
Yeah,I see it .
Impressive shots. I enjoyed your series of photograph 👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you :D
This beetle looks beautiful. And also bee Photography.. Nice photography
Thanks a lot!
It looks like a small helicopter :D
#lastunusedtag 😅
:DHahaha #NothingHidesFromYou
Nature and it's beauty.
Nice clicks dear.
Thanks a lot :)
My pleasure.
Congratz, Yeah hoverflying shot :)
I know you know exactly what I mean :)
You show a very extraordinary picture.
Thanks :)
wow, the picture you show looks really amazing. and very detailed shots
Thank you!
Your welcome 😊
again you managed to get a shot of two pretty active insects moving around the flower and valley too!. the appearance of the two types of insects is quite unique and it's a really amazing shot, guys
Thanks! Some insects are quite cooperative :)
Your ability to take pictures is amazing, I'm really amazed. As a newcomer to this hive blog, I have to learn a lot from you.
Thank you! I hope you enjoy Hive and have fun :)
Wow! That flower is quite the catch! They all want a piece of the action 😁
Damn yea! This is a relatively small flower. On some bigger ones they practice group eating :D
Great photos!
I once saw how the spider caught the Hoverfly on my balcony on flowers, I felt very sorry for her ...
Poor spider needs to eat :p
Yes, unfortunately it doesn't work: both the sheep are safe and the wolf is full!
To be honest with you it my first time seeing a Tropinota beetles and Cistus bush! (ps if I can say that I’ve saw them because of your post) 😀
They both look really beautiful. In every flower there is beauty especially if it’s bloom. Thank you for giving usthis interesting information.
Oh I am glad! Those bushes grow all over the place here and re quite invasive. Also there is always lots of those beetles around them.
Thanks for stopping by :)
when beetles go blonde
So cute!!
Those beetles can chop off flower petals just to get to the center. Merciless beasts :p
Gotta say fuckin lovin it, not the Maccy Ds, but the shots.
Waiiit a minute....
Has that beetle got a takeaway?
Now I know what the flower looks like, it's beautiful, because I have a cistus tea at home. It is very healthy. Great, the bees and bugs :))
Oh I didn't know there is tea made of that! From which part of the plant?
I have read that cistus tea is made from cistus flowers and leaves, but make sure that the cistus bush you show can also be used for tea :)