Good afternoon, all Hive friends. How are you all? Are you all well? I hope you are all well. Today I will post a photo of Jewel bugs.
Jewel bugs are a type of brightly colored insect that belongs to the Scutelleridae family. These beetles are often referred to as "stink bugs" because of their strong odor when threatened. These insects are known for their striking, metallic, or shiny colors, which can include a mix of bright greens, reds, blues, and yellows, resembling jewels, hence the name hive friends.
Jewel bugs are usually small to medium in size and are found in various parts of the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. These beetles primarily feed on plant sap, especially from trees and shrubs, and can sometimes be considered pests due to their feeding habits. However, these beetles are also admired for their beautiful appearance.
In addition to their striking colors, jewel beetles have a shield-like body shape, and some species have convex or rounded backs that make them easy to recognize. Their bright colors serve as a warning to predators that these beetles may be poisonous or unpalatable hive friends.
From the results of reading other people's articles, the image that I shared in my post this time can be read in the link below.
Photography | Jewel bugs |
Camera | Vivo y20 |
Location | Aceh-indonesia |
Edit | Vivo y20 |