Giant Resin Bee in Sumatra

I found this bee about two weeks ago, one Sunday afternoon to be exact. A giant resin bee with a stinger sticking out was perched in the grass.


Its stout body was dark-pale, with light brown hair on the face and a black line running between its eyes, and orange wings that burned like fire.


Even though there were lots of weeds with their flowers blooming, it didn't look that attractive. It prefers to perch on grass and occasionally move to a small dry twig but then returns to the same grass.


Its jaws never stay still, always biting the grass where it perches. I was careful to approach because I didn't want to make this bee angry, and then it could sting me.


Megachile sculpturalis is the scientific name of the giant resin bee. I have seen this species several times before. Not in mass, but one or three in the same place and time.

All of the images here are my own work, taken with a Xiaomi POCO NFC smartphone and an assembled external macro lens.


Nice shots.

Capturing bees aren't easy but you did it. I wouldn't dare to, lol.