Un Rally fuera de serie. TERMINAL REDFISH RALLY EDICIÓN DE VERANO - PERÍODO 1: RETO DE REGLAS / CONSEJOS: Comprensión y aplicación de reglas y consejos

in TheTerminal4 years ago (edited)

¡Hola mi gente linda!

Muchos muchos ralliers pecesitos rojos, creación propia

Cuando me inscribí en el Rally, lo hice porque me remonte a muchos años atrás cuando era guapa y joven, (ahora sigo siendo guapa pero no tan joven), participe con unos amigos en un rally en carro, donde hicimos miles de cosas divertidas y no parábamos de reírnos; y aunque no ganamos, disfrutamos tanto de esa actividad que quedó grabada en mis recuerdos y en mi corazón. Dice un refrán venezolano “Nadie te quita lo bailado”, haciendo referencia a los aprendizajes que adquieres, son tuyos, te pertenecen, los puedes compartir con quien quieras y cuando quieras, más si estos forman parte de tu cosmovisión o de tu filosofía de vida, por eso decidí participar sin saber a ciencia cierta que iba a hacer o como sería esta gran carrera de los 100, mi objetivo es aprender y compartir mis vivencias.

Las amigas @justclickindiva y @brittandjosie, moderadoras en el canal de Discord - The Therminal, nos hacen llegar consejos y reglas necesarios a tener en cuenta para la participación en el rally, cualquiera de las dos naturalezas, el de 100 o el de 500 y leo con sumo interés todos ellos, algunas cosas ya eran conocidas por mi, en esto del desenvolvimiento cotidiano para las publicaciones, pero otros son nuevos o se me hacen algo difícil de entender. Cualquiera puede acceder a esta normativa a través de: https://peakd.com/hive-101265/@theterminal/the-terminal-discord-tips-for-monthly-redfish-rally-may-2020 y https://peakd.com/hive-101265/@theterminal/the-terminal-discord-tips-for-monthly-redfish-rally-june-2020; adicionalmente, leí con interés la publicación realizada por @mariale07, en respuesta al reto establecido por el equipo del rally-chat-100, a mi modo de ver es bastante concreto y preciso.

Cortesía de @DOZE para su uso gratuito en los blogs

Estoy en total acuerdo con las muchachas cuando señalan que la primera recomendación es hay que leer, pero además hay que participar, y lo subrayo porque eso somos participantes de esta actividad, también hay que interactuar. No podemos quedarnos mirando solamente, debemos probar todo aquello que nos indican porque a la final es lo que va a permitir que crezcamos en este océano de conocimiento. Yo diría también, atreverse, ¡si!, atreverse a hacer cosas que no hemos hecho y que nos van ayudar a mejorar los contenidos de nuestras publicaciones.

Nos recomiendan seguir las cuentas THETERMINAL y HEYHAVEYAMET, pero donde me mataron fue con los token, guao!, ahí sí que no entiendo o entiendo muy poco, ese es el problema de quienes no somos nativos de las tecnologías, muchos nacimos, crecimos, estudiamos de manera analógica, así que ahí si le voy a pedir a nuestras moderadoras una gran ayuda: Por favor, hagan micro talleres donde el común denominador pueda familiarizarse con toda esa terminología y su uso: billeteras, bot, ¿por qué una billetera puede ser más avanzada que otra?, el uso del comando $ tip, así como todo lo relacionado a la cadena de bloques, por lo menos a mí me resulta complicado entender.

También aconsejan el uso de una herramienta que desconocía, el caso de Pinmapple, bastante interesante, porque nos permite ubicar en un mapa mundial nuestras imágenes, sobre todo para aquellos blogueros de viajes. La última recomendación es más referida a como nadar una vez se haya publicado, recuerden “Lo que no se exhibe, no se vende” (es broma), pero y no es broma, hay que mostrar el enlace a nuestra publicación en los sitios respectivos, en el caso del rally chat 100, en la sala creada con ese fin #post-promo-100 en el canal Discord de la comunidad The Terminal, sin olvidar referir a otro pez rojo (en idioma inglés) support: @nombre, de esta manera nos ayudamos en la promoción de unos a otros; de no hacerlo así, no contará la publicación en el Rally, por lo que pendiente de publicar en el sitio correcto.

Espero que en el transcurso de este Rally, todos y todas demostremos lo mejor de cada uno, y me despido no sin antes recordarles que me pueden escribir que con gusto les estaré respondiendo.

El gran Rally - Chat - 100, creación propia

A Rally out of series. TERMINAL REDFISH RALLY SUMMER EDITION - PERIOD 1: RULES / TIPS CHALLENGE: Understanding and applying rules and tips

At the request of a good mentor, she recommended that I translate this post, so below the post in English.

A Rally out of series. TERMINAL REDFISH RALLY SUMMER EDITION - PERIOD 1: RULES / TIPS CHALLENGE: Understanding and applying rules and tips

Hello my beautiful people of Hive, a special greeting to the friends of @TheTerminal!

Many many red fish ralliers, own creation

When I entered the Rally, I did it because I went back many years ago when I was pretty and young, (I participated with some friends in a car rally, where we did miles of fun things and we kept laughing; and although we didn't win, we enjoyed So much of that activity that was engraved in my memories and in my heart. Says a Venezuelan saying "Nobody takes your dancing away", referring to the learning you acquire, they are yours, they belong to you, you can share them with whoever you want and whenever you want, more if these are part of your worldview or your philosophy of life, that's why I decided to participate without knowing for sure what I was going to do or what this great race of the 100 would be like, my goal is to learn and share my experiences.

The friends @justclickindiva and @brittandjosie, moderators on the Discord - The Therminal channel, send us advice and rules necessary to take into account for participation in the rally, either of the two natures, the one of 100 or the one of 500 and I read with great interest all of them, some things were already known to me, in this of the daily development for the publications, but others are new or something difficult for me to understand. Anyone can access these regulations through: https://peakd.com/hive-101265/@theterminal/the-terminal-discord-tips-for-monthly-redfish-rally-may-2020 and https: // peakd .com / hive-101265 / @ theterminal / the-terminal-discord-tips-for-Monthly-redfish-rally-june-2020; Additionally, I read with interest the post made by @ mariale07, in response to the challenge set by the rally-chat-100 team, a way of seeing is quite concrete and precise.

Courtesy of @DOZE for free use on blogging

I totally agree with the girls when they point out that the first recommendation is to read, but also to participate, and I underline it because we are participants in this activity, you also have to interact. We can't just look at ourselves, we have to try everything that tells us because the end is what will allow us to grow in this ocean of knowledge. I would also say, dare, yes!, dare to do things that we have not done and that will help us improve the content of our publications.

We recommend following the THETERMINAL and HEYHAVEYAMET accounts, but where they killed me was with the tokens, wow! in an analogical way, so here is the trip to ask our moderators for great help: Please, do micro workshops where the common denominator can get acquainted with all that terminology and its use: wallets, bot, why a wallet can be More advanced than another?, the use of the $ tip command, as well as everything related to the blockchain, at least it is difficult for me to understand.

They also recommend the use of a tool that was unknown, the case of Pinmapple, quite interesting, because it allows us to locate our images on a world map, especially for those travel bloggers. The last recommendation is more related to how to swim once it has been published, remember "What is not exhibited, does not sell" (just kidding), but it is not kidding, you must show the link to our publication on specific sites , in the case of the chat 100 rally, in the room created for that purpose # post-promo-100 on the Discord channel of the The Terminal community, not forgetting to refer to another red fish (in English) support: @name, from This way we help each other in promoting each other; Failure to do so will not count the publication in the Rally, so pending publication in the correct place.

I hope that in the course of this Rally, each and every one of us shows the best of each one, and I say goodbye not without first reminding you that you can write to me that I will be happy to answer you.

The great Rally - Chat - 100, own creation


I had to translate : When I entered the Rally, I did it because I go back many years ago when I was pretty and young, (now I'm still pretty but not so young), I participated with some friends in a car rally, where we did thousands of fun things and we would not stop laughing; and although we did not win, we enjoyed this activity so much that it was engraved in my memories and in my heart. Says a Venezuelan saying "Nobody takes your dancing away", referring to the learning you acquire, they are yours, they belong to you, you can share them with whoever you want and whenever you want, more if they are part of your worldview or your philosophy of life That is why I decided to participate without knowing for sure what I was going to do or what this great race of the 100 would be like, my goal is to learn and share my experiences.

The friends @justclickindiva and @brittandjosie, moderators on the Discord - The Therminal channel, send us advice and rules necessary to take into account for participation in the rally, either of the two natures, the 100 or the 500 and I read with great interest all of them, some things were already known to me, in this of the daily development for the publications, but others are new or something difficult for me to understand. Anyone can access these regulations through: https://peakd.com/hive-101265/@theterminal/the-terminal-discord-tips-for-monthly-redfish-rally-may-2020 and https: // peakd .com / hive-101265 / @ theterminal / the-terminal-discord-tips-for-monthly-redfish-rally-june-2020; Additionally, I read with interest the post made by @ mariale07, in response to the challenge set by the rally-chat-100 team, in my opinion it is quite concrete and precise.

Courtesy of @DOZE for free use on blogging
I totally agree with the girls when they point out that the first recommendation is to read, but also to participate, and I underline it because we are participants in this activity, we must also interact. We can not just look, we must try everything that they tell us because in the end it is what will allow us to grow in this ocean of knowledge. I would also say, dare, yes !, dare to do things that we have not done and that will help us improve the content of our publications.

We are recommended to follow the THETERMINAL and HEYHAVEYAMET accounts, but where they killed me was with the tokens, wow, there I do not understand or understand very little, that is the problem of those of us who are not native to technologies, many of us were born, grew up, studied in an analogical way, so if I am going to ask our moderators for a great help: Please, do micro workshops where the common denominator can get acquainted with all that terminology and its use: wallets, bot, why a wallet can be More advanced than another ?, The use of the $ tip command, as well as everything related to the blockchain, at least it is difficult for me to understand.

They also advise the use of a tool that was unknown, the case of Pinmapple, quite interesting, because it allows us to locate our images on a world map, especially for those travel bloggers. The last recommendation is more related to how to swim once it has been published, remember "What is not exhibited, does not sell" (just kidding), but and it is not kidding, you must show the link to our publication on the respective sites , in the case of the 100 chat rally, in the room created for that purpose # post-promo-100 on the Discord channel of the The Terminal community, not forgetting to refer to another red fish (in English) support: @name, from This way we help each other in promoting each other; Failure to do so will not count the publication in the Rally, so pending publication on the correct site.

I hope that in the course of this Rally, we all show the best of each one, and I say goodbye not without first reminding you that you can write me that I will be happy to answer you.

And I have to say WELL DONE YES THIS IS IT!
This is informative, this is well
Written and honest. The tokens my dear it’s very difficult but we will explain all of that later. You will earn votes when a rally contest is done or a challenge is done and while you blog and do those assignments you learn and we pay , you grow your account .

Thank you
Happy Sunday

  • maybe add the English translation to your blog😉 the votes from non speaking English people can come to your blog that way

Yes, my dear, I have thought about it several times, I have to make an effort to write a little bit shorter but with an English translation. You're right.

Noooooo not shorter!!! This is goooodddd but just at the end of the blog, go to google translate and add the English version, THIS IS A GREAT BLOG so the english readers and non speaking spanish people need to read it to , add my translation from the comment above, do you know how to edit your blog?

si, si, lo haré

Hello @valquerales This an excellent interpretation of our Redfish Rally Period 1 Challenge for Rules/Tips. You gave excellent examples of how the rules and tips helped you. You an a good participant in attitude and how you approach your assigned work.

And the micro sessions? This is why we wanted all the Ralliers to read the Rules and TIPS so that they could ask questions about them and get explanations.

Now you can say to any other Rallier that you fully understand the RULES. This was what we wanted from each participants. Now we can move on to the next Rally Challenge knowing the Ralliers understand what is expected of them.

But the most important aspect are the 5 Terminal TIPS in the two posts that we wanted you to read that we feel can help you. Bookmark those 2 posts so that you can refer back to them whenever you have a question.

Now go and take a look at some contests we placed in the Rally 500 chat. Participate in some of those as well. And good luck. I hope you win.

Thank you for participating. Have a good evening.

Gracias a ustedes por permitirme hacer lo que disfruto mucho.

Hola amiga, muy buena perspectiva la que compartes, especialmente, cuando resaltas la importancia de interactuar, de involucrasrse y participar. Esto es importante porque sólo así aprenderemos.

Si, así lo veo, es necesario para avanzar...