image by @wesphilbin
The Staff of @theterminal wishes to give due honor and remembrance to a wonderful project on the blockchain that just turned two years old! #thoughtfuldailypost was initiated by @wesphilbin on 23-June-2019. Wes believes in spreading positive attitudes and vibes and that is precisely what this initiative embodies.
The tag #thoughtfuldailypost can be applied to any post that speaks of positivity, uplifting topics, inspiration, reflection (especially self-reflection), deep musings about our human nature, spiritual aspects, and other philosophical inclinations. Despite the word "daily" in the tag, it is not necessary to write a post every day to participate — a single post of a thoughtful nature is welcome any time! We need more positivity and thoughtfulness in the world, now more than ever!
From his inaugural post about the project, @wesphilbin said:
This idea was actually spawned in my brain by @brittandjosie, after her suggestion of using the #thoughtfulthursday tag... and I LOVE providing ANY kind of content, that deals with being thoughtful, positive, and sharing the love of true engagement and curation. Even the graphic I created, was meant to have symbolism... the Cairns have been used to indicate a landmark... or rather, "showing the way". This was my intent... showing the way, for positive, thoughtful engagement.
Over the past couple of years, #thoughtfuldailypost has become a well-loved and much cherished project. It is one of those wonderful projects in which anyone can participate, as no special knowledge or research is required — just write what is in your heart, not what is in your head.
CONGRATULATIONS & Happy Anniversary
to #thoughtfuldailypost

INTERESTED IN DELEGATING to @theterminal or @heyhaveyamet?
This would enable us to connect and engage with even more new Hive accounts! If so, please contact Britt or Kitty in The Terminal's Discord server or down below in the comments, or by clicking the "quick-delegation" links, below. We appreciate your interest in helping us help others.

Whether one has been on the blockchain for three days or three years, there are always questions! @theterminal, founded in December 2018, is a project that answers questions people have about the workings and etiquette of participating on the Hive blockchain. We answer questions about use of the Discord app, as well. A few users of Hive's 'legacy blockchain' have also sought assistance. Everyone is welcome.
Those who delegate to @theterminal will be awarded a "Terminal Supporter" badge on their blockchain profile, the "Patron" role in our Discord server, and our humble gratitude.

The sister-project to TheTerminal is @heyhaveyamet (HHYM), founded in October 2018 and still going strong. The goal of HHYM is to look through the #introduceyourself posts of those new to the blockchain and welcome the new arrivals and gather links to their introductory posts in a daily curation post. New accounts are carefully checked for effort, plagiarism, and account-farming before being featured.
Those who delegate to @heyhaveyamet will be awarded a "Terminal Supporter" badge on their blockchain profile, the "Patron" role in our Discord server, and our humble gratitude.

to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @theterminal
or click the banner to visit our Discord server
I remember you discussing this @wesphilbin and it has mada an amazing journey through the Hive universe; I am so proud that this project took off like that. Seems like quite a few have been using this tag as well, so it grew.
Congratulations my friend, two years is quite an impressive beginning.
When I suggested Wes would do a tag in the thoughts and thoughtfull ways he always does hive and discord I never imagined that it would be such a great succes. Back in steem and on hive a must use tag. All started in theTerminal
We've come a long way! Appreciate you my friend ❤
Hooray! Two years of spreading positive and encouraging vibes.
Congrats Wes, staff and folks of @theterminal! I'm glad to be a part of you. Keep up the great work! 👏👏👏
Thanks for your kind words @kemmyb! You too have come a long way! Look forward to seeing what you have in store for the Blockchain...
Wonderful project, congratulations for promoting it and for these two years, I hope it continues to expand with great success! ✨
Thank you my friend. I appreciate your kind words. !LUV
Wonderful. !LUV
I appreciate your sharing this... Never did I imagine anything would become of this. But boy, was I wrong! This was both a way to spread positive energy, and forget about the fact that I have Multiple Sclerosis.
At any rate... Thank You, to everyone that has, and continues to participate in my #thoughtfuldailypost movement.
Meant for the !LUV to go to you.
@wesphilbin, you were given LUV from @crrdlx. About LUV: https://peakd.com/@luvshares http://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM
@theterminal, you were given LUV from @crrdlx. About LUV: https://peakd.com/@luvshares http://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM
Hello @theterminal. Your support of worthy projects is admirable. Notwithstanding that @wesphilbin is a valued member of The Terminal, his Thoughtful Daily Post initiative is an invaluable project and is what creates a personal atmosphere on Hive always attempting to spread positive vibes and cheer to all.
Happy Birthday to #thoughtfuldailyposts.
I was just looking through my various community posts; I thought I had an anniversary coming up... both for me, as well as the TDP Community, when I came back to this post, I realized I had not said thank you for your kind words... It's never too late! So... here I am...
Thank You!
(2/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
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