Image created by @justclickindiva in Canva utilizing its free bkgrnd
In The Terminal we are all about
educating others and encouraging a friendly
and supportive community.

Because of this, we wanted to find a way to pass this on to our Redfish Rally contestants.
To do this we are setting up a few challenges for them during their race participation.
These challenges are REQUIRED in order to participate in the Redfish Rally.

For this Week 1,
the challenge is called
and the contestants are to pick one recent post by their fellow Hivean or Steemian
then make a post explaining why the reader should
click through to that person's post.

If you would like to visit these Curation Challenge posts
the tag is #RRCC and the contestants are
We are sure they would appreciate it very much.
The CURATION CHALLENGE will teach you how to create a curation style blog.
a) Choose one (1) recent quality post by your fellow Hivean or Steemian Redfish Rallier (names are located above) containing the minimum 250 words;
b) Include the author's name and link to their blog in your post;
c) Make a great argument why one should visit the blog of the person you choose!

A reputation of 53 or lower.*
Six months or lower in account age.*
Less than 500 SP/HP.
No history of blacklist or plagiarism.
*This is looked at on a case by case basis by the Terminal team.
The Redfish Rally was created to help all Redfish learn and grow. The Redfish Rally Contest is for the calendar month, beginning on the 1st and ending on the last day of the month. The Terminal's goal is to:
- Help you get to 500 SP as quick as YOU can;
- Teach and encourage you to create QUALITY posts;
- Encourage you to network and meet new people so you can become part of a productive member of the Hive and Steem Community.
Just follow these simple RULES:
• No APPICS blogs will count toward Weekly Challenge participation rewards;
• Actifits or Caturday blogs will only count toward Weekly Challenge participation rewards when accompanied by 250 words and 2 photos RR-100 and 4 photos RR-500;
• VIDEO blogs will only count toward Weekly Challenge participation rewards if they are 1.5 minutes in length (90 seconds) and accompanied by 100 words;
• Participate in the RedfishRally Weekly Challenges.
(i) The Weekly Challenges are PRIMARY, and REQUIRED in order to be able to participate and earn in the Rally;
(i) The Weekly Extra Challenges are VOLUNTARY and provide additional writing experiences and chances to learn. However, you MUST complete the Weekly Challenge first to be able to receive credit for the Extra Challenges.
• All blogs must contain a minimum of:
(i) 250 word count and 2 photos for Redfish Rally-100 participants, and;
(ii) 500 word count and 4 photos for Redfish Rally-500 participants.
• Write good-quality posts, while trying to improve each week;
• Chat in the RedfishRally rooms daily if possible (weekends not madatory), engaging with the Rally Staff and fellow Ralliers, asking questions, and seeking help when you need it.
• FOLLOW THETERMINAL and HEYHAVEYAMET Accounts, just to be fully engaged.
Each Rally is a first-of-month to last-of-month time period.
Registering will take place the time prior to the First of each month.
We collect the raw reputation in the beeme.icu or steemd.com website the first day of the month (or when the person registers) and then take the raw reputation on the last day of the month and make the decision based upon that difference.
Upvote suggested but not required.
Resteem or reblog not required, but appreciated
Please note: an upvote, resteem, or reblog not will in no way affect the outcome of the contest.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today to participate in next month's contest! The only thing you have to do is let us know either in the comments below or in The Terminal (just click the banner below), then just start posting and commenting! That's all YOU need to do!

Interested in Delegating to The Terminal?
This would enable us to connect and engage with even more new Hivean or Steemean accounts. If so, please contact @brittandjosie or @thekittygirl in the Discord Server The Terminal or down below in the comments. We appreciate your interest in helping us to help others.

Why not visit their account @heyhaveyamet today?

to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @theterminal

Your Personal Terminal Discord Invite

See you soon !
Staff the Terminal
Date :
educating others and encouraging a friendly
and supportive community.

Because of this, we wanted to find a way to pass this on to our Redfish Rally contestants.
To do this we are setting up a few challenges for them during their race participation.
These challenges are REQUIRED in order to participate in the Redfish Rally.
For this Week 1,
the challenge is called
and the contestants are to pick one recent post by their fellow Hivean or Steemian
then make a post explaining why the reader should
click through to that person's post.
If you would like to visit these Curation Challenge posts
the tag is #RRCC and the contestants are
We are sure they would appreciate it very much.
The CURATION CHALLENGE will teach you how to create a curation style blog.
a) Choose one (1) recent quality post by your fellow Hivean or Steemian Redfish Rallier (names are located above) containing the minimum 250 words;
b) Include the author's name and link to their blog in your post;
c) Make a great argument why one should visit the blog of the person you choose!

A reputation of 53 or lower.*
Six months or lower in account age.*
Less than 500 SP/HP.
No history of blacklist or plagiarism.

The Redfish Rally was created to help all Redfish learn and grow. The Redfish Rally Contest is for the calendar month, beginning on the 1st and ending on the last day of the month. The Terminal's goal is to:
- Help you get to 500 SP as quick as YOU can;
- Teach and encourage you to create QUALITY posts;
- Encourage you to network and meet new people so you can become part of a productive member of the Hive and Steem Community.
Just follow these simple RULES:
• No APPICS blogs will count toward Weekly Challenge participation rewards;
• Actifits or Caturday blogs will only count toward Weekly Challenge participation rewards when accompanied by 250 words and 2 photos RR-100 and 4 photos RR-500;
• VIDEO blogs will only count toward Weekly Challenge participation rewards if they are 1.5 minutes in length (90 seconds) and accompanied by 100 words;
• Participate in the RedfishRally Weekly Challenges.
(i) The Weekly Challenges are PRIMARY, and REQUIRED in order to be able to participate and earn in the Rally;
(i) The Weekly Extra Challenges are VOLUNTARY and provide additional writing experiences and chances to learn. However, you MUST complete the Weekly Challenge first to be able to receive credit for the Extra Challenges.
• All blogs must contain a minimum of:
(i) 250 word count and 2 photos for Redfish Rally-100 participants, and;
(ii) 500 word count and 4 photos for Redfish Rally-500 participants.
• Write good-quality posts, while trying to improve each week;
• Chat in the RedfishRally rooms daily if possible (weekends not madatory), engaging with the Rally Staff and fellow Ralliers, asking questions, and seeking help when you need it.
• FOLLOW THETERMINAL and HEYHAVEYAMET Accounts, just to be fully engaged.

Each Rally is a first-of-month to last-of-month time period.
Registering will take place the time prior to the First of each month.
We collect the raw reputation in the beeme.icu or steemd.com website the first day of the month (or when the person registers) and then take the raw reputation on the last day of the month and make the decision based upon that difference.
Upvote suggested but not required.
Resteem or reblog not required, but appreciated
Please note: an upvote, resteem, or reblog not will in no way affect the outcome of the contest.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today to participate in next month's contest! The only thing you have to do is let us know either in the comments below or in The Terminal (just click the banner below), then just start posting and commenting! That's all YOU need to do!

Interested in Delegating to The Terminal?

to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @theterminal
Your Personal Terminal Discord Invite
See you soon !
Staff the Terminal
Date :
Staff the Terminal
Hello @theterminal here is my entry: https://peakd.com/rrcc/@misschance/redfish-rally-100-curation-challenge-week-1
Hi! this is my entry ❤️ https://peakd.com/hive-148441/@vicvperezdelara/redfish-rally-100-reto-de-curacion-semana-1-rally-100-curation-challenge-week-1