Hive Post Downloader + Notable = Win, Win!

in TheTerminal4 years ago

We have some really creative developers on Hive. Sometimes they create things we need, and we are very grateful when then do that. But, sometimes they create things we don't yet know we need, and that is the category this tool falls into.

Recently, @jerrytsuseer told me about a tool he had used on our 'legacy' blockchain which allowed him to download all of his posts to his computer. Not only is this a good idea to have a 'backup' of the posts we've worked so hard to create, but Jerry said it also allowed him to do comprehensive searches and often find previous posts much easier than would be possible via an online search.

Not knowing if such a tool had been ported to Hive after last year's fork when we split from our 'legacy' chain, I inquired in the official Hive Discord. In short order, @foxon told me about a took developed by @sn0n that accomplished that very thing! It is called the Hive Post Downloader. The tool fetches the code that formats the posts, too, whether it be Markdown or HTML. Furthermore, @sn0n mentioned a free software tool called Notable, which he describes as a "...multi file markdown editor with a ton of nifty features for writers."  Notable is packaged as a desktop-app and is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac systems.

Once one has downloaded their posts with the Hive Post Downloader tool, a compressed file with a .ZIP extension will be placed on the computer. Then, one only has to download and install the Notable app and point it to the folder of posts. The first couple of times I tried to point Notable towards the folder with my posts, it failed — be sure the folder is named 'Notes' or it won't work. See @sn0n's instructional video in the announcement post for more info!

Once installed, the following screenshot shows what it looks like running. The sidebar on the left is an alphabetical listing of tags, which can be toggled ON or OFF. The second pane is the list of posts, and the right-most pane is the selected post, itself.

The toolbar across the top accommodates the editing of posts, adding tags, marking as a favorite, and so forth. It should be rather intuitive, but you can always click "Help" if you really need it.

I have no complaints with the Hive Post Downloader tool. It worked beautifully with not a single problem! I do have one major complaint about the Notable app, however. HiveBuzz reports I have 911 posts, currently, and 888 of the ones I downloaded have no tags, which is a big bummer, as all of my posts have tags! 😬 But other than that, it's pretty cool. I am anxious to test the 'Search' function fully and see how well it does; preliminary tests look good, though!

Thanks, @sn0n!

So, use this tool, folks! And leave a nice comment on the post for @sn0n and maybe send him a few HIVE as I did, if you like his tool! Gotta keep the devs in coffee & chocolate so they can keep coding, ya know...?!?!? 😁





Thanks for sharing! Guess I'll have to get back to work on V2 (currently not working).

As for the tags, sometimes notable won't import them, but typically relaunching notable or deleting and unzipping again fixes it.. not sure why it happens on occasion. Sometimes when it's running, sometimes when it's not.. I'll do more work on making sure if it is a problem on my tools side it'll be fixed in the next version.

Thank you! 🙌

Just pushed another release, looks like tags should be working. Try deleting your notes folder for thekittygirl and trying again.
Just made a post about the new release here:

Thanks for the new release and the suggestions about the tags. Tags are still not working, but I have deduced it is Notable's problem, not yours! The tags are all there in your download file! I will probably visit Notable's support Discord. 🙂

Yea I was testing again yesterday and wasn't having any problems aside from once with my test account, every other time it was working without issue, even with haejin educted and acidyo imports of thousands of posts.... Can't quite pinpoint why it occasionally doesn't..

Thank you SO MUCH for this!!!

I'll give it a try! Thank you @sn0n !! That is awesome!

notable yet, but I will

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Thanks for the mention @thekittygirl. I've not looked at

Another app!
I will try...

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 68 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

This post has received a 100.00% upvote from @fambalam! Join thealliance community to get whitelisted for delegation to this community service.

I spent many hours getting my posts from another place - so did @dreemsteem ! We definitely could have used this ❤️