Chlorite Phantom Pyramid

in TheTerminal4 years ago

In crystallography, when traces of another crystalline structure are visible within a crystal, it is referred to as a Phantom Crystal. The outer crystal is usually quartz, and such a crystal can be formed in one of three ways.

  • the inner crystal is formed first, then the quartz crystal forms around it

  • the quartz crystal begins forming, then the components of the inner crystal are introduced and form while the quartz crystal continues its formation

  • a quartz crystal grows for a time, then stops because of a lack of constituent minerals, but resumes growth at a later time leaving one, or more, "ghost" images behind

The pyramid enclosed inside this clear quartz crystal is composed of another mineral called chlorite. Three years ago, I wrote about chlorite in my Garden Quartz, freeform post:

The word "chlorite" is often used by casual collectors of crystals to describe any greenish inclusion in quartz, but chlorite actually is a group of specific minerals with various amounts of magnesium, manganese, iron, aluminum, and other elements present. Different concentration of these elements can make chlorite appear brown, or even pink, but the majority of the formulations have a greenish-hue of some degree. Probably the most common type of chlorite is Clinochlore: (Mg,Fe2+)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8, but chamosite, cookeite, and other varieties exist. [source]

So, chlorite is a name for an entire group of minerals, but I do not know which one of the group is present in this crystal. Members of the chlorite mineral group were used for carving both decorative items as well as functional items since prehistoric times. [3]

This chlorite pyramid is encased inside a quartz crystal. Instead of being clear-as-glass quartz, however, this one has a distinct brownish color. Such "Smoky Quartz" is created when a clear quartz crystal is exposed to natural radiation within the earth. Sometimes, quartz is purposely exposed to radiation by sellers after mining to turn clear-quartz into Smoky Quartz, or to deepen the color. There's no way to know whether such a crystal has been irradiated naturally, or artificially, without a complex chemical analysis (and perhaps not even then).

This particular specimen is stunning! Each of the photos in this post were made with the crystal turned to show a different side. The chlorite pyramid is just as ghostly-looking and awesome regardless of which crystal-face is presented.

Now, let us explore the color green for a moment. For a very long time, the color green has often appeared in medical settings, and this quote explains why:

Green was a popular choice. Surgeons first added “spinach-leaf green” to their clothing in 1914 to reduce glare from traditional hospital whites. In the 1930s, hospital decorators used green to influence patient moods. It carried associations with nature, growth and recovery. Tiled surgical suites, patient rooms, clothing and instruments all went green in the post World War Two era. [source]

Because of that association of the color green to nature, growth, and recovery, many people hold to the belief that green crystals contain properties of healing, on emotional & mental levels as well as physical levels. It is purported that gazing at green crystals is restful, and meditating with them can help connect us with Mother Earth and life, in a general sense. By extension, green crystals are also claimed to help with depression, stress, and breaking the chains of self-limiting thoughts and behaviors.

Regardless of whether one subscribes to the metaphysical properties of Phantom Crystals, they are fascinating and beautiful from a scientific viewpoint as well as an artistic perspective! For another example of a crystal with inclusions, see my Phoenix Crystal post. I also have other Phantom Crystals to share in the future, including one that has no other material inside it, but with "phantom" lines from where the crystal stopped growing for a bit, then resumed later.


   3 Wikipedia: Chlorite Group
   4 Wikipedia: Phantom Quartz
   5 Wikipedia: Smoky Quartz

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 51 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Interesting, always fascinated by the white quartz stones..

This post has received a 100.00% upvote from @fambalam! Join thealliance community to get whitelisted for delegation to this community service.

Absolutely gorgeous thank you very much for sharing I really appreciate it

My imagination said spin it like a top on the tip and it'll look like a neat mini tornado 😁 on the flat base, looks like a steep snowy mountain 🏔

hi @thekittygirl,
what impresses me most are the geometric shapes that are formed inside the crystal, it is a wonder what nature can create on the other hand it is possible that these crystals have a healing effect on people.

Thanks for continuing to make Hive awesome.