Not a fan of automated posts, comments and what looks like curation of mainly trending posts. I don't think that kind of curation and automatic activity should be rewarded. Thoughts on that? @laruche
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Not a fan of automated posts, comments and what looks like curation of mainly trending posts. I don't think that kind of curation and automatic activity should be rewarded. Thoughts on that? @laruche
Hello @acidyo !
I'm the one in charge of the auto-vote of @laruche. I understand your concern and would like to upvote only good quality content too, but I don't have the time to manually verify all the posts of the community.
We added @linlove to the auto-vote list because some of his (or her ?) posts were in French and not automated.
It's not possible for the bot to distinguish between automated and manual post and if we start to "discriminate" some content over some other, we maybe run into troubles... And it still we have a lot of Voting Power left even when we vote this kind of content. The important for now is to be sure that every french-speaker on Hive received a minimum of rewards, but I know that we auto-vote some content that maybe shouldn't be upvoted.
2 years ago we were more selective, but it was too many works and everyone lefts the ship so now that I start to revive it, I don't want to be too intense (not just a question of time and workload, but also a question of I don't want to piss off peoples).
I hope you understand the current situation. If you have suggestions on how we can improve the way we curate, let us know on the Discord server !
Autovotes are a nice to have feature but it's times like these that they can go wrong, as you're saying the user used to post content you approved of and wanted to reward but then turned into automated posts that don't require a lot of effort behind it and I fail to see the value it brings to Hive neither as it doesn't seem like it has been manually curated or make much sense (correct me if I'm wrong but preferably in english).
Either way, automated posts like these should either forfeit rewards or use them for something else that benefits the whole community rather than the poster. I vote on some automated posts but the rewards don't just go to me or to someone personally, doing that would defeat the proof of effort idea behind proof of brain so I would recommend to remove the autovote until this author stops doing automated reports, doesn't help that the author seems to also misuse @ecency points to reward these posts on top of your autovotes.
Hi, @acidyo first want to apologize and clarify that my publications are manual.
I'm new to Hive and I tried to create a system to reward members with ecency points because I don't have enough hive yet.
I would also like to specify that my way of proceeding starts from a positive intention. So to summarize, you advise me for the publications of "DAY BY DAY REWARDS: Selection":
I remain at the disposal of all those who wish to advise me...
Could you please annualize all the downvotes you have done on all of my publications.
Thank you in advance and I will follow your recommendations.
I'm sorry @soushi888 and @laruche, as @acidyo explained to me, I will no longer post these types of posts with the username @linlove. I will therefore always work in the direction of not harming the quality of your automated votes.
I will therefore write more consistent articles as I used to.
Je suis désolé @soushi888 et @laruche, comme me l'a expliqué @acidyo je ne posterai plus ce type de posts avec le pseudo @linlove. J'œuvrerai donc toujours dans le sens à ne pas nuire à la qualité de vos votes automatisées.
Je vais donc écrire des articles plus consistants comme j'avais l'habitude.
Bonjour, @acidyo c'est vraie que je suis développeuse en génie informatique et qu'il m'est très facile de créer des publications automatisées. Mais comme vous je n'apprécie pas ce type de publication dans le cas de Hive, donc l'ensemble de mes publications sont manuelles et j'espère continuer dans ce sens. Il est aussi vraie d'habitue j'écris des posts plus analytiques que ce de "day-by-day-rewards-selection". Cependant je suis en train de mettre en place un système de récompenses pour les personnes actives. et chaque jour je consacre plus de 1h à lire et à sélectionner des posts dans des domaines très variés. J'apprécie donc votre remarque très pertinente et je remercie la communauté francophone qui grâce à @laruche vote plus fréquemment pour mes posts.
Je dois aussi trouver du temps pour m'impliquer de plus en plus dans la communauté francophone, chose que je ferai de plus en plus fréquemment. Il faut aussi que je contact @laruche ou @Soushi888 sur discord car j'ai quelques questions relatives à une éventuelle délégation pour encourager les votes pour les francophones