The cool me duing my teenage years

in Three Challenges2 days ago (edited)

When I saw @mipiano initiating the Three photos of you being a teenager challenge here I immediately thought of my Life Album. It's a Little Twin Star (my favorite Sanrio character) photo album. I have photos from me as a baby with my mum (that's the earliest photo I have of myself) to a young child, teenager, young adult, grown up adult, getting married. Then the album kind of stopped there as digital media became more prevalent and we didn't need actual copies of photos anymore. I think I should continue with my Life Album and get some recent year photos printed out. Another thing to add on my to do list.

Anyway, today's post is about my teenager years, so we're going to skip the first few pages of baby LUT and jump to teenage LUT. Before we do that, I just want to show you more Little Twin Star characters 😊, I mean the size of the album.

The first photo is me at secondary school in Hong Kong, I spent a year here. School uniforms in Hong Kong are normally pretty strict and boring. They require dresses to be below knee level, white socks and black shoes, and everyone needs to wear a proper school cardigan or blazer.

The school I went to was a brand new school when I started. The headmistress had returned from overseas, so her ideology was quite different from the traditional headmasters in Hong Kong. In particular, her views towards school uniform was pretty lax. We were allowed to wear trainers to school and pretty much any outerwear we liked as long as it was a dark colour. As to hemline length, no one really cared as long as you didn't over do it 😆. Everyone tried to look cooler than everyone else 😎

During those teenage years studying in Hong Kong I was living with my nan, and sometimes I would fly back to UK to visit my family. This photo was taken at the airport before one of those flights. I don't wear dresses much (still don't), but I remember I liked this dress a lot and often wore it. As to why I'm standing next to the wine liqueur counter? I have no idea.... maybe I'm trying to look grown up😄

A few years later I returned back to UK to continue school before going to university. I still had a lot of friends in Hong Kong, and in some summers (when my dad would pay for it) I would fly back to Hong Kong to meet with them. This was one of those trips. I remember on this occasion I met up with a bunch of secondary school friends. Even though I was only with them for a year, a big group of them turned up, but now I've lost in contact with all of them. There was a period I used to wear my hair short, it was a phase I was going through and a very 'in' thing during those years. Look cool and don't smile when people take photos of you 😊


livinguktaiwan divider.png

This has been a nice travel through memory lane back to the teenage me. If you want to take up the challenge and have some fun, show us three photos of you being a teenager, and don't forget to post it in the Three Challenges Community

Thanks to @mipiano for keeping the community alive when I've dropped the ball.


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I think I was pretty uncool in my teens. I was a stereotypical geek. The old photos may make me cringe.

Do people still have photo albums? We did when the kids were young, but then it all went digital.

some people still do. some because they like them, some because they learned that your phone dying means everything is gone (especially before all the cloud storage, but still internet data is not cheap and files are getting bigger :) )

I do ensure that all my photos are in the cloud too, so I would hope not to lose them. I pay Google for some extra storage. I could get copies on my PC too.

I still got my parents photo albums and another one when I was a kid.

Cringe is fun, come on, show us, it'll be a good laugh!!


Look cool and don't smile when people take photos of you

Firm on what you think :) that was the attitude that time probably. You really looked cool then, a smile would have made that more lively.

Guess we've all been through that phase were we think smiling isn't cool 😎😄


Cool challenge and very cool teenage LUT photos😆. I don't think that even three photos of my as teenager exist. Maybe a couple as a baby. Probably better that way - LOL

Babies are cute! But I thought most people be would have less baby photos than teenage ones. Maybe we should do a baby photos challenge by next time

I guess it depends on one's age. I grew up before smart phones and DSLRs, my dad still used rangefinder cameras and later SLRs when my brother and sisters grew up. There's a few photos but not many. Hmm, I thought I shared one of them before but I'm not sure.

Well, it looks like it turned out alright. You seem to have gone on to be a pretty cool grown-up so :)

Haha!! It could have been a lot worse 😂

Some Little Twin Stars are here by me, greeting that teenage LUT in the pretty relaxed style of a school uniform. 👋

In the second photo - you are standing by that liquor counter as you knew your future husband would be a fan of whiskey ;)

Cool to see your contribution, thank you, and I hope more people will participate in this topic! 📸

It's fun seeing the teenage us, very cringy in a few 😄

Thanks for initiating this

You know what, I think just about every young lady goes through that phase with their hair. My sister did. I know my wife did. I think her sister did as well. It's just a "thing" I guess!

I reckon teenagers are very easily influenced by what's 'in' during each phase, everyone wanted to be on trend

You were way cooler than I was as a teenager! I'll see what I can find...

Yeah!! That'd be really cool! Look forward to it

Aww this was fun to see teenage you. I hope there is a challenge to see baby you too. I have been digitizing all my pictures and organizing them. I should show you teenage Sara, she had short hair too!

I knew it!! All the cool teenagers had short hair! Would love to see the teenage Sara.

Definitely a look back at the past for many of us. Not just girls had hair phases I had a perm believe it or not. BTW I said I would do this challenge and this weekend I go back home to visit my mother. I don't know if a "perm pic" will make the cut or even be found.

I went through a perm phase as well, yours should definitely be shared, the good old perm days!

Haha I remember carrying a pick in my back pocket.

Nice photos. Ah, teenagers. When looking bored and too cool to be in a photo was everything.

I don't think I have any photos of me when I was a teen. I'll have to look and see what I can find.

That would be so fun! Actually I can't remember if I've ever seen a photo of the grown up David 🤔

Oh, you look just as pretty every time!
I really like the one with the short hair and the outfit.

Awhhh! You're so sweet @nanixxx. I liked that white top as well, very psychedelic

😄 psychedelic?

I think you look like a ninja! 😂 I'm just kidding.
