Working On My Very First "02E" Transmission! (It's A Oily Business!)

in Horsepower Herd!4 days ago (edited)
Authored by @Technicalside


Well Hello There Horsepower Lovers Of Hive!

At It Again!

Well this thing has been a real headache from the start!

A couple of weeks back we sent the computer in for repairs it took about three weeks and finally the courier arrived to drop the package! Yeahp it was sent to another town... funny that we don't have people that fix these here in my home town!

Now to swap it out with the other half of the valve-body that actually works, we only needed to fix the computer of it so we bolted it to some valve body that doesn't work! Just to be certain it doesn't get unnecessary damage to the inside of the other half of the valve body!

Don't ask me what Volkswagen even thought with this one but it works at-least!


The Other Half Of The Original!

It's not exactly a quick swap over...

There's a few solenoids that has to be removed in order to get the body removed properly... it's a bit of a wangle and tangle and all those bolts are smaller than you'd think! But I managed to get it fitted quite easily considering that this is my very first valve-body build on the "02E" Volkswagen transmission!

You've got to have a keen sense of building stuff... you have to remove the one thing before the other and when you're patching it back up you've got to remember to do it in reverse that time!
Tricky stuff!


It Could Turn Into Error Real Fast!

I so almost made a very big mistake!

I was busy unbolting the actual computer, well I had one bolt removed then I remembered that Bossman told me not to remove this computer ever xD Hence the reason why we sent it away in the first place and here I want to come and cause some big trouble xD!

Removing this computer is possible no doubt but removing it will also cause it to be torn apart... unless you know how to... Again... hence the reason why we sent it away!

I wonder how many bloaks before me have made the same mistake as Bossman did all those years back doing his very first one! I just wonder!


A Bunch Of A Thousand Parts!

Yeahp at the very least we don't need to remove every single solenoid to get this thing going again! One of the great things about these valve-bodies is that they are damned tough and resilient!

They don't normally break... except for electrical faults... Now since they don't normally break and are built of the good old steel they made back in the good old days! I think a good old cleaning would be very effective!

After that it's puzzle building time! Where the real fun starts! Heck if you zoom in on the silver side of the valve body you'll see a bunch of stuff inserted into it! Now I've done quite a few valve bodies where everything just falls out! That's a real "oh fuck moment" when that happens!!



Nice And Snug!

Well she is in place and ready to be lit up!

There is a lot to consider with patching this valve body up! You have to hold it upright the entire time which can actually be a bit tedious at times but it's better doing it that way around since there are a whole lot of pins that can bend and break off!

The pins are not as big of a deal because you can swap out a solenoid and have the pins replaced easily... the pins are on the solenoids! But you don't want to press to hard on the computer! It has a bunch of plastic towers climbing out (You can't see them now since they are inserted into the transmission) Those plastic towers are the speed, input and output sensors! Break any one of those and we will be back to square one!

Maybe even in more trouble! Might be you will need to replace the computer for good!


She Runs!

Well she started up nicely!

When we first got the car it didn't even want to crank up! This is a real good sign! We were starting to think that we don't know what we are doing xD LAUGHS!

We are not out of the jungle yet! There might be a few more kinks to sort out, we might have a faulty solenoid or this or that but we will surely get her going nicely!


Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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