Well Hello There Horsepower Lovers Of Hive!
The Horsepower Herd Community!
Okay so I finally did it! I created my own car related community! (Yes I still have a lot of work to do in terms of logos and making the community soft on the eye... In time that will come but for now let's just get through the week! I now have some place to post all that I do!
To say it plain and simple there are absolutely no restrictions on this community! NONE whatsoever! (Within boundaries of-course!)
What I mean with no restrictions I mean EVERYTHING and ANYTHING related to horsepower! If it produces horsepower you can write about it! If you saw a nice car and want to share a picture about it feel free to share! If your tyre popped and you want to rant on about it... feel free!
Heck if you washed your car or if you took your jet-ski out on the water! Even if your hamster is running on his wheel you can write up about that!
This includes literally anything horsepower related by way of a source of fuel or sweat! Yeah bicycles the works! EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED!
A Bearing, A Wheel, A Chain, A Gear,
If it has anything remotely related to any of the above you can write about it! There are no restrictions as to what exactly you can write up about those! Repairs, scrapping, breaking, racing, drifting, washing, ranting, experiencing! HECK ANYTHING! I CAN NOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH!
To add on that I wont mind people sharing toy cars and all that as well, However I think that might be more suited to my Hobbies And Nobbies Community but it is always welcome here as well!
My Reasons For Creating This Community!
Well in truth I only created this community to have a place to share my own car related work content in... Even though the bulk of my own content would be more of working on cars than anything else I will still strive to show off those fancy smancy cars that I don't own... In-fact this might give me a little bit more of a drive to attend carshows than ever before... (That's if the local scene gets their stuff straight! We've had a lot of car communities coming and going in town and honestly perhaps I should start my own real car group as well just for the fun of it!)
So let's get posting about anything car related!
Here is a few images of stuff I plan to share in the community!
Of-course Not Just Work Related!
We got to have some fun stuff in the bunch as well right???
Always yeah! It's just a shame that we don't have that many car shows in the town I live in... That is quite saddening yeahp!
I do hope to share some of this on a regular basis as well but I'd have to really go out there and hunt some cars now! Might be now that I created this community I can spot a great deal more... You know how once you know about something you tend to see that thing more? It's weird to explain though... Like working on a certain type of car thinking there aren't many of them around and then all of a sudden you spot hundreds of them!
Whack right!

Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive
Perfect! I have stuff from Hivefest in Split that needs a home. Great timing.
All the best with the new community!
Not exactly sure what Split is... sound like a town or something but HEYYYY you are more than welcome to throw it around here in the community 😃😃
Thanks a lot, I hope it can kick off great!! Thanks for the support @livinguktaiwan