(ES-EN) Cuidando de abuelo/Taking care of grandfather

in Hive Cuba7 months ago

Hola Hivers! Han sido unos días bien duros, ni siquiera puedo organizar en mi cabeza la serie de sucesos que he vivido. Abuelo, está un poco mejor pero para nada está bien. El olor a hospital me supera, me duele la columna de servirle básicamente como bastón para ir al baño, la cochina, la sala, para poderle bañar, cosa que lógicamente no me pesa pero es responsable de mi desgaste actual. No quería comer, al menos ahora come, no sé si porque quiere o realmente para evitar que yo lo reprenda. A cada rato le doy agua, sales de rehidratación y jugos. Quiere estar siempre en cama pero he tratado de convencerle de que se siente en la sala un rato porque el que ha tenido alguien enfermo o lo ha estado sabe que la cama lo que da es fiebre y malestar.

Los días pasan, las pastillas no hacen magia, en su cuerpo de 71 años demora todo tipo de proceso más de lo habitual, no se para de quejar de sus dolores de cabeza y malestar general, pero solo me queda apoyarlo moralmente porque no puedo acelerar los efectos de un calmante. Él duerme bien, no me roba el sueño, despierta a mi tío en las madrugadas para no llamarme cuando desea ir a orinar. Pero hay algo que mi abuelo no sabe, la verdad es que si estuviera que estar en vela toda la noche para llevarlo al baño yo, lo haría. Hoy me levanté con unas ojeras enormes, me pregunto acaso si en verdad estoy durmiendo o solo estoy acostada. Estas vacaciones no han Sido las mejores definitivamente, esta pesadilla trasncurre tan lento que me llega a agobiar. Es desesperante no estar con abuelo en nuestra casa. Yo tengo mucha fe, siempre la he tenido, es lo único que me queda cuando los Dioses de la realidad me golpean la cara.

Sigo aquí, escribiendo ahora que he tomado un descanso , sin saber cuándo será publicado este escrito, pero refugiándome en Hive como método de desahogo, ya que nadie juzga, nadie critica para herir , sino que se brindan a ayudar y conparyen tus alegrías y tristezas. Gracias Hive🫂

Las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad

Hello Hivers! They have been a very hard few days, I can't even organize in my head the series of events that I have experienced. Grandpa, it's a little better but it's not good at all. The smell of the hospital overwhelms me, my spine hurts from basically serving as a cane to go to the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, to be able to bathe him, which logically does not weigh on me but is responsible for my current wear and tear. He didn't want to eat, at least now he eats, I don't know if because he wants to or really to avoid me reprimanding him. I give him water, rehydration salts and juices every now and then. He always wants to be in bed but I have tried to convince him to sit in the living room for a while because anyone who has had someone sick or has been sick knows that what bed causes is fever and discomfort.

The days go by, the pills don't work magic, in his 71-year-old body all kinds of processes take longer than usual, he doesn't stop complaining about his headaches and general discomfort, but I can only support him morally because I can't speed up the effects of a painkiller. He sleeps well, he doesn't steal my sleep, he wakes up my uncle in the early morning so he doesn't call me when he wants to go pee. But there is something that my grandfather doesn't know, the truth is that if I had to stay up all night to take him to the bathroom, I would do it. Today I woke up with huge circles under my eyes, perhaps I wonder if I'm really sleeping or if I'm just lying down. This vacation has definitely not been the best, this nightmare goes by so slowly that it overwhelms me. It's frustrating not being with grandpa in our house. I have a lot of faith, I always have, it's the only thing I have left when the Gods of reality hit me in the face.

I'm still here, writing now that I've taken a break, not knowing when this writing will be published, but taking refuge in Hive as a method of relief, since no one judges, no one criticizes to hurt, but rather they offer to help and share your joys and sorrows . Thanks Hive


Un abrazo, tienes todo nuestro apoyo, lo que necesites avisa. Que tu abuelo se recupere pronto.

You are a good granddaughter @rivereyesmusic, for taking care of your grandpa .

Thanks 🙏🏻🥺❣️❤️