obsesija cross-posted this post in Insect Pub 2 years ago

Znakovi jeseni i insekti 🦋🕷️🕸️ Signs of autumn and insects

in BANAT2 years ago

Obojena jesen je stigla, toplo vreme je još uvek, a topla jesen prija insektima koji izviru na sve strane, tako je moje dvorište postalo poput doma mnogih insekta. Gde god da se okrenem zapazim bar po nešto zanimljivo.

The colorful autumn has arrived, the warm weather is still here, but the warm autumn favors the insects that spring up everywhere, so my yard has become like the home of many insects. Everywhere I turn I notice at least something interesting.


Poseta u mom dvorištu me je iznenadila ovim velikim paukom, koji nije imao svoju mrežu već se izležavao na suncu okačen o zid poput ukrasa.
Nešto poprlično veliki nalik tarantuli, iako nije ih obično sresti često u kućnom okruženju.

A visit to my yard surprised me with this large spider, which did not have its web but was lounging in the sun hanging on the wall like a decoration.
Something rather large like a tarantula, although it is not common to meet them often in a domestic environment.



Interesantni leptiri mislim da pripadaju vrsti moljaca, neizbežni zbog svojih šara, volim leptire ali crnu boju leptira retko mogu susresti. Ovaj i ako je crn na bele tufne ipak je imao svoj šarm.

They belong to the type of moths, inevitable because of their patterns, I love butterflies but I rarely meet the black color of butterflies. This one, even if it was black on white tuffs, still had its own charm.


Još jedna vrsta leptira koji dominira nekom sivom bojom, nije posebno lep ali takođe mislim da spada u vrstu moljaca.

Another type of butterfly that dominates some gray color, it is not particularly beautiful but I also think it belongs to the type of moths.




Zanmljivih insekta još uvek ima, samo ih treba zapaziti, spremanje da prebrode još jednu dugu zimu koja nam predstoji.

There are still interesting insects, you just need to notice them, getting ready to get through another long winter ahead of us.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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