"Prismey" - Weekly NFT Giveaway!

in Pro Artists2 years ago (edited)


'Prismey' is Manx Gaelic for ‘prism’. Light split into its different wavelengths, and each component refracted along a thousand paths.

Hey everyone! I thought it would be fun to give away one of my Hive NFT artworks. If you’d like to win this piece of art, all you need to do is leave a comment at the bottom of this post (details below).

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Hopefully, this will be the start of a weekly NFT giveaway competition. Good luck!

See this piece at NFT Showroom: https://nftshowroom.com/mattbrown.art/art/mattbrown.art_a-play-on-light_prismey

Resolution: 8000 x 3667 px
Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Edition size: 10

About this piece
Human beings are like prisms. A brief radiance into the universe. Ephemeral; colourful.

As prisms, we absorb the details of the world around us - the sights, the sounds, the scents, the sensations - we allow them to pass through our mind, emerging once more in all directions, splaying outward as word and action, idea, gesture. It is through these colours that we come to know a person. To love them; for all their tones and hues.

When we know a person, we hold just a single fragment of their personality. An orphan facet that persists as a memory. We care for that piece of them as we tend to a flame. For example, I keep the flame of my father kindled, and in the back of my mind he lives on, popping up to say hello or to laugh at a joke I know he would find amusing. Just that fragment of him that was “Dad”.

So you see, we absorb this refracted light from our fellow human beings and in turn we pass it ever onward to all we encounter. Unending sentient rainbows.

About me
I’m a Manx artist, living on the Isle of Man – a beautiful island in the Irish Sea.

I’ve been creating art for many years. My work can be found hanging on walls in Manhattan, Tokyo, London, Abu Dhabi, Madrid and even at sea on a US Navy warship!

You can see more of my work at https://mattbrown.art

The title of my pieces are written in Manx Gaelic – the language of my island.

How to win this NFT
Simply drop a comment down below and I will put your name into the prize-draw.

After 7 days, I shall draw the winner using a random number-generator and contact the lucky person via the comments. I shall also announce the winner in the main body of this article, so check this time next week.

Once drawn, I shall transfer ownership of the NFT and it will show up over at Hive’s very own NFT gallery at http://nftshowroom.com

Don't forget to follow, vote or re-hive if you like my work!

Thanks so much to everyone who continues comment, vote, share and encourage hereon Hive. It means a great deal. What a friendly and inspiring community this is! :) :)

Thanks for your support!


@tipu curate

Hey thanks astrocreator!! Nice to see you again. I've not been online much in recent months because of real-world stuff, but back again now. How have things been?

Thanks for the giveaway!
My ign: @stekene

Thanks for entering! Be sure to check back in next Monday :)

This is very nice art! And it's possible to win it too! An awesome giveaway!

Thank you :) Good luck @tdctunes!

Count me in please my friend.
Great job

Thanks! Welcome to the competition!!


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@crazyphantombr(4/5) tipped @mattbrown.art (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!

That's an amazing piece of art. I really love the colors 😄
Thanks for the giveaway!

That's an interesting way of thinking about the way we know people and store memories of them. People are so complex. I have been married to the love of my life for nearly 42 years, I know her very well, but there is always more to learn about her. Different situations and experiences bring out different facets of her personality.

Congratulations @kaazoom! You were the lucky winner of my NFT competition! I shall transfer the work over to you over at the NFTShowroom.com

Be sure to tell others about my giveaways - there will be another starting later today :)

Thank you @mattbrown.art This will be the first NFT I have.


Thank you Matt. How do I access it? Sorry, I'm a complete novice when it comes to NFTs.

I think all you have to do is sign into NFTshowroom.com with your hive wallet and it should show up in your gallery page: https://nftshowroom.com/kaazoom/collection/

From there, you can admire it, display it or list it for sale!! Have fun :)

Sorry, I've just seen that you left details when you said I'd won. I was so pleased to have won that I missed the link you posted. Have a good day.