My Initial Thoughts Of Steemfest 4 & Steem (Jet Lagged Edition)

in Threespeak - OLD5 years ago (edited)

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I am half-baked from jet lag atm, so please mind my energy level and voice. But I wanted to upload my exact unfiltered thoughts when I got home from the airport. 20+ hours of flight + 4 hours of driving and I am home from a great adventure.

Steemfest was amazing. I've never been in the same area with so many like-minded people, everyone loved Steem! Which was like heaven because you can catch me talking about Steem to my cats, so an actively educated audience was a very nice experience for me.

We didn’t talk of moon pies or what we'd buy when Steem hit X, no, we talked roots and dirt. We talked about the core elements of Steem and how each project could benefit. Leaders like @starkerz organized a round table for dapps to discuss redundant work being done. Example: Threespeak built a comment proxy system where users can log in with FB/GOOGLE ETC and leave comments and earn Steem without a Steem account. Well, now 5+ different projects have done the same work, and each did it on their own. WE can split the load as a community to help build things faster, open source so the next project can benefit. I live my life as, leave where you been better than when you came, and with Steem I feel the same way. Us as projects can leave Steem a better place for the next project.

"Someone told me long ago, that there is a calm before the storm, I know! It’s been coming for some time...

When it's over so they say, it'll rain a sunny day, I Know! shining down like water." - Creedence clearwater

I know many remains have heard of the return of the glory days. I argue Steem has never been more glorious as it is now. Steemians traveled from all over the world with business in mind and pleasure in their backpacks. I knew it was there but a part of me had to feel it, see it for myself in the eyes of those who I admire. I admire many Steemians here, draw strength from their wisdom, vision from their mistakes and power from their confidence.

Shout out to @buttcoins - tell a friend about Steem!

To spare you a book of text to read, I will continue from the mic.

▶️ 3Speak


Top "Trending" post and only 17 comments after 12 hours. Do you really think this TRASH deserves to be in the top spot on this site?

Awe, poor Dan has to recover his losses on his shitty investment by posting trash and trying to convince people they can come here for free money...


I watched this vid around 8 hours ago, but being myself van-lagged coming from Koh Chang and not being such a great commenter, I didn't reply to this but, since I'm here again...

Having one of the biggest Steem investors of 2019 going to Thailand and seeing it all first hand, how the community engages in real life, how the conferences go and being able to speak to other investors, devs, the Steemit inc team and overall interact with the community and then, coming back home and post this video with such positive conclusions and positive outcome means a lot, at least for me.

It gives the community the reassurance we need that our investors are positive about what steem has to offer and the potential we hold, at least for the buyers, speculators and other potential investors. It gives minnions and dolphins alike the certainty that we are indeed not part of a Blockchain that holds no value for crypto whales.

I hope that other crypto whales (at least one) get to watch this video and decide to get in on Steem just as you did.

Thanks for the past week man, great experiences shared and hopefully more to come over the next years. Steem on.

The reason I am optimistic about Steem is that it has the best community of like-minded people committed to success even in the middle of the crypto winter.

I am also enthusiastic about Steem because it has the best blockchain architecture combining immutable data with social consensus, while allowing great flexibility for user interfaces, app concepts and soft protocols.

Steem can become a perfect platform for business, attention trading, social web hosting, complex e-commerce systems and a lot more.

Good to know you got home safe! It was an honor to meet you and MeLlamanGabi ;) at steemfest.
Great Resume of Steemfest4! I am looking forward to a great future of steem. As you said! To every problem there is a solution and we have a great community working on it so there is great potential! we are also working on our roadmap and business plan to be well prepared to our trip to the moon! Lets see what we can do until next steemfest! Exciting times with great people!

Oh man.... it was so sweet to hear your voice again. And now with this human face to go with it. I listened to this and closed my eyes and you were right there...
love that story of you laughing thinking about Buttcoins... you made me laugh out loud in a public place.
You are so right about this blockchain actually having what other coins want... real community.
Just gotta keep that infection rate growing person by person until it’s an epidemic 😷🤣🤣

Omg, 24 hours. That does sound like a challenge. I hope you will recover soon.

Being the first time on Steem Fest, I should say that's the best thing I've ever done in my entire life. I want more and more often. I was quite inspired by all of the work people had put into Steem over the last two months even. I cannot wait for the next year to see how all of our combined efforts come smoothly together.

It was also a big pleasure meeting you in person. I felt a small weirdo standing near you and andrarchy haha. But oh my God, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else. You're an amazing person. Keep up the good work with 3Speak and your dedication towards Steem. And don't forget about China. We have to make it happen.

Steem Fest was a once in a lifetime experience for me. It was great meeting so many like-minded people. It was a pleasure meeting you as well!

Dear Dan,

Take time to recover from this intense but exhausting experience. This will allow you to digest all the information and emotions you were bombarded with.

You might think you are low energy (SteemFest blues) but, to me SF is really a booster that enables me to though the coming year, full of confidence, even when it looks down.

Meeting you and your lovely wife was a pleasure. I can't wait to meet you again at SF5.

It was def the SteemFest blues, but you're right, I am super pumped and feel like a bottomless pit of energy today.

It was very nice meeting you, and thanks for the proof of hugs! See you next year!

It was awesome meeting you this year at Steem Fest. It was an amazing time and I see a bright future for us all. Thank you for all that you are doing for everyone here.

I was wondering when I'd see your post Dan about Steemfest and I guessed right about the delay due to the jetlag. You're definitely refined a s more motivated I can feel it, sometimes we need to see the core, come across people who love Steem and well, hoping to see pictures I know you had fun too. Cheers Dan

I will post a more formal Steem Fest post with photos etc. Was a really amazing time that can't just be described with words.

<3 <3 <3

I'm super glad you experienced what I was able to experience last year when I went to SteemFest3. It really did bug me I couldn't attend this year for that exact reason as it is one of the most uplifting things I've ever experienced. The people, the builders, the ideas, the like-mindedness (because politics finally don't matter if we talk about Steem...). It's beautiful.

Recover well, it took me a month :') See you at SteemFest5!

Great report, love the vibe. Quick suggestion have the largest graphic size of the 3 Speak logo available for download we can use this to print t shirts, and print up some print materials for mini meet-up's. We can give away or use in promotions. Thank you, Rich of in Honolulu.

Thanks for the tip, will let the devs know to add this somewhere for easy download.

Hi @theycallmedan I am really glad that your experience this round is you keep hearing the "clinkers and clankers" discussion on getting solutions out instead of just political rants (if you know what I mean).

I truly believe this should truly be in a conference, especially a community strength reliance based like the Steem blockchain.

Just today I wrote my sharing (on the community centrism account) Why Communities Local Support is Important for STEEM to Thrive with a real case scenario and how the Steem community is able to help another traveler with a simple situation to solve. This can be a normal thing when STEEM is experience down to the human level.

Have a read and I'd love to know what you think.

(Hopefully we'll meet again in SF5)

jup, but i would love to the "weels turning moment'" moment more often. btc maximalists still hate steem, new people often have btc as entrance/exit barrier. but anyway thanks for your thoughts!

did you talk with @elipowell? At least she was there. (i was actually kind of suprised about that, as she is like not posting OR staking steem)

I did meet her, super nice and I got good vibes from her.

but then the account creation must be fast an easy. If you tell 10 friends and nobody gets a account on the same day, nobody will give it a try days later.

I know a lot of people there want to onboard but lost passion because of account creation.

Next hardfork with wallet adresses it will work different.

Solid points, I am using and sending the invite tokens, which are easy to click links. With the work being done on Keychain, it would be nice to have all the private keys auto download to Keychain, so new users can better protect their keys. is great. But tell people who want to onboard they have to pay for it is difficult. They need to get rewarded for onboarding and not to pay for it.

If this changes i think a lot of tribes, other frontends and games will onboard a lot.

With the Keychain import you are right, with auto import and backup. So its super easy and save for the users.

I know from some Games a lot of people. There are currently on reddit. With Community and easy onboarding i see no problem to bring all these people to steem.

And then it leverage :)

If we have communitys for every Computer Game, this will go huge.

And the best thing is, if these Players write some guides, there get a reward from it. So they come automatically.

probably get them to play the Splinterland games could be a start lol. I tested it, it is FAST (in account creation)

And that's what gives me a a renewed confidence on Steem, when the optimism comes with realism!
Take a good rest, it takes time to recover from SteemFest I can tell!

Will do, cheers! Feel a lot better today.

The whole story was great afterall. And the Steemfest4 went absolutely lovely and educative even though I didn't go for the Conference but I joined the Livestreaming. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Long Live Steemfest. What next? Steemfest5.

Greetings from Nigeria.

Posted using Partiko Android

A friend told me about bitcoin years ago. I then told all my friends about bitcoin and that they all need to buy some. I hope at least one of them listened to my advice because i didn't! lol

Take: Maybe who you talk to about steem wont do shit but they might tell someone that does.

It's all about numbers, the more you "infect" the more chances of the Steem virus spreading. xD

Start infecting people with Steem, always trap the uber driver. So funny :)

lmao, I infect every uber driver I come accross. The long rides are the best.

Uber app based on STEEM will be very cool.

the community is passionate and that's what drive it forward !

Wow. Really very pretty Edition. I love it my dear

I'm telling my friends to have a look over to the Steem-universe. Funny that some have the feeling its a snowball effect because there is no advertisement and you can earn money and so on. It's new and can be overwhelming with the keys at the beginning and to have no advertisement, distractions or endless feeds. I myself am complaining about consuming too much social-media, but here I can learn something because there are a lot of smart people sharing.

Funny that some have the feeling its a snowball effect because there is no advertisement and you can earn money and so on.

...and to have no advertisement, distractions or endless feeds.

I just wonder what kind of Ad Blocker are you using in your browser. LoL

I'm not talking about me ;)
But actually i just reset my laptop and the first thing i didn't do was installing a adblocker because I want to try out pihole on the raspberry.. so I myself got into the sweet taste of ads too these days.

Take your time to recover from the hectic journey (SF4). You're the most admired Steemian presently here along with your vibes towards Steem. You're a hero! Hope to meet you in person ♥

@theycallmedan, People can disagree with words but no one can disagree natural gatherings and festivals. Steem is limited to Business Collaborations most importantly it's a collaboration between Emotions, Stories and Inspiration.

Steem is silent but this silence is filled with Wisdom, Knowledge, Long Term Journey and Experiences. Every SteemFest encourage those who haven't attended it because that is whole new experience.

If we will not talk about the basics and reality then we are not real. Steem is here to create stories from dust and to create something from dust. May be it will take time but one day World will experience the change and that change is Steem, many will disagree but many giant projects faced strong disagreement too.

Have a wonderful time ahead and stay blessed brother.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dan, thanks for being present and representative of 3Speak at SF4. I watched your video on censorship and it really amazed me and it got me inclined about how 3speak will become better of the Steem communities. I hope you have a nice time and hopefully see you in SF5. Thanks for being a true leadership, your love for Steem is making me more bullish over here. Have a nice time!

Shared to twitter. This was great. To hear your tired, or jet lagged with no energy mind and still hear that your passion is there tells me something magical happened and you had to of been there. I hope it's in the US one day. I'm not sure if the first year they did it haaaa and every time you say buttcoins. I laugh too. But isnt that what life is about? Laughter? I love you opening up about your feelings about the people. This is the best project. It has the best potential and it's why I fight for things to be fair and that people know #anyonecansteem no where near finished but 4 years.... and your right. Windows was shit. I know steem is scary right now because of the 'money's involved but that's old steem. This Steem is crypto, it's hard work, its sharing, community, and a whole ecosystem of things that work together. People get scared but let them. We will stand. Because we built not just followers but friends. I've met some of the greatest people. GO GET SOME REST! IM HAPPY YOU HAD AN EXPERIENCE! Now give me the goods. Lol. Rest well dude.

I've never been in the same area with so many like-minded people

I know that feeling! I experience it every year at Comic-Con San Diego. I hope steemfest continues to grow, and one day I hope to make it there. Thanks for your strong, continued support of the community and Steem platform!

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Hey @theycallmedan, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

It was nice to meet you and Gabby. Steemfest4 was certainly memory for me. I still have my pink wristband on lol.

Hey Dan, it was great seeing you at Steemfest, maybe some other grumpy whales should consider doing the same, too, haha. Love hearing these positive - yet realistic - notes from you. Was a pleasure to get to know you and Gabby.

PS. "Trap the uber driver", so funny 😂


Upvoted and commented so bernie can stfu.