Coronavirus updates + Wikipedia deletes “Phd in Pathology” who talked about Coronavirus

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Recently 10 more cases of the Coronavirus have been confirmed on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Also in other news another cruise ship called World’s Dream has been quarantined with 30 people with fever, who are yet to be rested. Plus Wikipedia decided that the Wikipeida page on a well known doctor, an expert in pathology and published in the journal of nature, needed to be deleted because he was a “conspiracy theorist” for talking about the Coronavirus,

Links as mentioned in the video:

~~~ embed:1225214685110128640 twitter metadata:TXJzQ19Bc3NhbmdlfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL01yc0NfQXNzYW5nZS9zdGF0dXMvMTIyNTIxNDY4NTExMDEyODY0MHw= ~~~
Peak Prosperity's video about their Wikipedia page:

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Some insane things coming.

Huge numbers and if Taiwan is the be believed... It's way more serious than we have been told.

Some crazy news these past weeks. China is sacrificing the entire province. That's insane.

Boarding people up alive in their houses... Shooting people for crossing the quarantine?

Coming to a city near you.

Lord help us! Power has really gotten to some people

I am glad my comment contributed to your understanding, and I hope the folks that see it on your video benefit from it as well. Thanks for the shout out!

BTW, I read your post about your heart episode a month ago, I hope you are on the mend and feeling better. Thanks for sharing your wisdoms!

I woke up after the stents were installed and felt ready to go home. I've had no hints of recurrence of cardio issues since, and have worked almost every day I was not told by doctors I shouldn't.

I am nearly giddy with happiness daily, just to be alive. I deeply appreciate your kind and personal thoughts of my health.

You reveal your honesty and courage I see nearly daily in your posts. You have my great admiration.


Yeah, life is so valuable and when something happens, like that, it does bring a new zest to life. It always amazes me what a amazing thing life is - who we all see through our own universe every second of earth day. Keep loving life, and cherishing it every day, I think is a great outlook!

Yeah, its looking pretty grim out there, just comment here with any other analysis again always an interesting read!

Congratulations @theouterlight!
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I'm happy to see that many people are starting to wake up to the absolute terror this virus is. Unfortunately, this virus is way more dangerous than any mainstream media is willing to admit. The government of my country said that they "have procedures in control", however they have done nothing, and once the news officially came out regarding the virus being airborne (droplets able to infect), they admitted that they maybe should rethink their stance, and 'consider' implementing some procedures. The risk is still set to "low" and infections "unlikely"......