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Posted via @threespeak. This is a comment proxy account. The comment above was written by a 3Speak user that has no Steem account yet. To learn more about 3Speak visit our blog @threespeak and our website https://3speak.online. This comment was posted through 3Speak on behalf of: Google User romanpalasek (100215115079758890466)

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Posted via @threespeak. This is a comment proxy account. The comment above was written by a 3Speak user that has no Steem account yet. To learn more about 3Speak visit our blog @threespeak and our website https://3speak.online. This comment was posted through 3Speak on behalf of: https://facebook.com/b2lcustoms2

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Nezmyselna vojna, ale budis. Kazdy moze na tom ziskat. Vdaka za video

paniku si nepripustam, ale bojim sa o ostatnych :(