This girl is nothing by a fake. She lies, she tells half truths and she is helping to push a deep state agenda all over the world. #exposed #gretathunberg
▶️ 3Speak
This girl is nothing by a fake. She lies, she tells half truths and she is helping to push a deep state agenda all over the world. #exposed #gretathunberg
▶️ 3Speak
When I commented by real opinion about here here Why Are Republicans TRIGGERED by Greta Thunberg?. I was just attacked by a troll. I didn't even read her last comment and muted her. Glad more and more people, now know the truth about this girl.
I wouldn’t sweat it.... @davidpackman has a blog that is so far left he’s blind by what’s really real in the world. His followers and commentators drink so much AOC, Greta and leftist propaganda that being attacked for commenting your opinion should almost be expected. Some people are just not awake yet, it’s hard to see and it takes lots of effort @clixmoney. It’s almost best to leave them asleep because Trump is gonna win by a landslide and those people need to vote the other way just to make it entertaining.
You're right. I even agree that Trump may stay and all that show with the empechement will even help him in that and those trolls will realize they were wrong and they will shit up for a while. lol
Idk about deepstate , but shes a daughter of famous opera singer (Who was also eurovision candidate) she was propped up by liberals pretty much (manafactured)
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Eww when I saw this poster my reflexes almost kicked in, luckily I didn't just downvote.
I cannot stand her and her puppeteers.
How many 15 year olds do you know who've sailed across the ocean and back just to meet world leaders? She has had the most successful childhood out of pretty much everyone. What a joke.
I'd like you to meet Ryan Kaji...
He is just making money, but yeah if that is all you are after (hopefully kids aren't), then he is definitely more successful. His parents may face several charges though because technically it is advertising to children.
There is a person in Korea who is making a lot of money doing something similar to Ryan Kaji (reviewing toys and playing on youtube). Apparently, her parents are strongly encouraging her to make a lot of videos and psychologists who've spoken with her or have seen a lot of her videos express concern.
I don't think Greta faces similar risks because she is much older and has a very different goal.

Did you see the picture where she was eating out of all that disposable plastic?
Yes....and I saw the picture of AOC campaign manager eating a burger with her shortly after she made the statement publicly to stop eating cows.....and feeding cows. They are all sick in the head. All controlled by Soros and others who want to over tax humans forever. Greta doesn’t even understand she is a pawn......which makers her parents disgusting and disgraceful.
It's all about the taxes.. here in America too
@broncnutz, I prefer Netflix Drama more than these Climate Change Drama. In my opinion everything is so much far from the actual truth. Stay blessed.
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Agreed on that. She is an actor.
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