Comida con memoria afectiva:

in Hive Food7 months ago

En Brasil, quizá hace várias décadas llegaron los italianos con su rica gastronomía. Una de sus ricas comidas es el pan Baguete.

Me hace gracia pensar que en Venezuela pasó lo mismo, pero que al ver la forma del pan alguien habrá dicho -parece una canilla- y así se quedó: Pan canilla.

In Brazil, Italian immigrants brought their rich cuisine several decades ago. One of their delicious breads is the baguette.

I find it amusing to think that in Venezuela, something similar happened. But upon seeing the shape of the bread, someone must have said, "It looks like a little cane," and that's how it became known as pan canilla (little cane bread).

Te dejo, con el olor de la avena cocida y algunos pedazos de pan que por aquí es una comida que trae recuerdos y reconforta un poco. Cuidate!


I'll leave you with the smell of cooked oats and some pieces of bread. This is a meal that brings back memories and offers a bit of comfort. Take care!


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