Guava Candy [ENG||ESP]

in Hive Food3 months ago



When I was a child I ate a lot of guava, I had a big tree in the garden of my house and I used to eat the fruit pulling it directly from the branches, or sometimes I climbed the tree and from there I also pulled them, these are experiences of my childhood that I will never forget, somehow I feel familiar with this wonderful fruit, today I will show you a refreshing dessert made with guavas, it is very similar to a compote only that this dessert is a little thicker.



  • Four cups of ripe guavas peeled and chopped in small pieces
  • Six cups of water
  • One cup of sugar
  • One cinnamon stick
  • Two tablespoons of vanilla
  • Three tablespoons cornstarch
  • Two tablespoons of unflavored gelatin .




Place the guava in a pot with the water, sugar and cinnamon stick, let it boil for fifteen minutes, then turn off the stove, take advantage and remove the cinnamon stick, we must also remove ½ cup of liquid (this liquid we will use later) and let it cool.


Once the guava is cooked to room temperature, we can proceed to blend everything that is in the pot, and then we pass all the mixture through a strainer, so we can remove all the seeds correctly, in this step we get a delicious thick guava juice, but as I want to make a dessert even denser then I must continue with the recipe.



Then this thick juice we take it to the pot again, we put two tablespoons of vanilla, and we prepare the cornstarch with the 1/2 cup of the liquid that I obtained previously, I dissolve the cornstarch well and I also add it to the pot, now we only have to wait for the cornstarch to boil and cook, the guava will become thicker and when this happens we put unflavored gelatin and we can turn off the stove.



This dessert is left to cool and then placed in pretty glasses so that it looks good, refrigerate it for at least one hour and that's it!


It is light, smooth and creamy, nothing invades the delicious guava flavor, it is great.



• The content is original
• The images are my property



Dulce de Guayaba

Cuando era niña yo comia mucha guayaba, tenía un árbol grande en el jardín de mi casa y solía comer la fruta arrancando directamente desde las ramas, o aveces trepaba al árbol y de allí también las arrancaba, estas son vivencias de mi niñez que nunca olvidaré, de alguna forma me siento familiarizada con esta fruta maravillosa, hoy les mostrare un refrescante postre hecho con guayabas, se parece mucho a una compota solo que este postre queda un poco más espeso.



  • Cuatro tazas de guayabas maduras peladas y picadas en trozos pequeños
  • Seis tazas de agua
  • Una taza de azúcar
  • Una ramita de canela
  • Dos cucharadas de vainilla
  • Tres cucharadas de fécula de maíz
  • Dos cucharadas de gelatina sin sabor .




Colocar la guayaba en una olla con el agua, el azúcar y la rama de canela, dejamos hervir por quince minutos, apagamos la estufa aprovechamos y retiramos la rama de canela, también debemos sacar ½ taza de solamente líquido (este líquido lo usaremos posteriormente) y dejamos enfriar.


Ya estando la guayaba a temperatura ambiente, licuamos con ese mismo líquido, y luego pasamos todo por un colador, así le retiramos todas las semillas de forma correcta, obtenemos un jugo espeso delicioso de guayaba, pero como deseo hacer un postre aún más denso debo continuar con la receta.



Entonces este jugo lo llevamos a la olla de nuevo, le colocamos dos cucharadas de vainilla, y preparamos la fécula de maíz con la 1/2 taza del líquido que obtuve anteriormente, disuelvo bien la fécula de maíz y también se lo añado a la olla, ahora solo debemos esperar a que hierba y se cocine la fécula de maíz, la guayaba se volverá más espesa y cuando esto suceda le colocamos gelatina sin sabor y ya podemos apagar la estufa.



Este postre se deja enfriar y luego se coloca en copas lindas para que luzca bien, se refrigera por lo menos una hora y listo!


Es ligero, suave y cremoso, nada invade el delicioso sabor de la guayaba, queda estupendo.



• El contenido de esta publicación es original.
• Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.


mujer en la laptop.jpeg

👇About me👇

I am a lover of Gastronomy, I am passionate about Culinary Photography, I love to read in my free time and keep learning. I value very much the time I share with my children, I see life as an Art, where I can create and make any idea come true! I have always loved technology and keeping up to date with its advances, I also like to spend time with my pets!



Looks delicious and refresging!

When you eat the fruit, what do you do with the seeds? I ate my first guava a few weeks ago, and the seeds were surprisingly hard! There were so many 😅.

I tell you that it is something very funny, when I was a child I swallowed them😅! but as an adult I decided to eat it only in juices, compotes, desserts, jam, and here we make a delicious guava snack, this snack is a kind of very very thick jam, .... and with respect to the fruit, I haven't eaten it in its natural form for a long time., I can no longer swallow the seeds as before, are somewhat hard😂.

The flavor is unique and it tastes good, but yes. Those seeds! I bought a bag of guava fruit and at first I ate the seeds, not knowing they were like pebbles. By the end of the bag I was scooping out most of the middle part and eating the skin and the non-seeded part. Good to know I'm not crazy to avoid the seeds 😆.

Eso sí que se ve bien rico oyiooo

Gracias, a mi me encanta su sabor, y ademas es una excelente fruta!

Que si no un juguito Guayaba ufff