Delicious Tomato Sauce with Chicken [ENG||ESP]

in Hive Food2 months ago



We can be creative as many times as we want, I love to be creative in my kitchen, to make my lunch today I used shredded chicken breast, this chicken I had it cooked and shredded reserved since yesterday in the fridge, today I used it to make a delicious rustic tomato sauce, I prepared pasta and the truth is that I wanted to make a quick, simple and tasty lunch.


The base of this sauce has tomato, onion and garlic; I cook these seasonings with oil (vegetable colored oil) and then I cook this for five minutes over low heat, then I have placed the shredded chicken and mix all the ingredients, to make it like a sauce we must have added water, I also put chopped carrots that were previously steamed, ten minutes will be enough for this sauce is ready.



Look how colorful it looks, we can also see the tomato, onion and carrot; I like how rustic it looks.


I served the sauce with macaroni, and garnished with chopped chives; this lunch was quick and easy to make, I really enjoyed the process, I like to be creative, I also like to see and share all about these food topics.



• The content is original
• The images are my property



Deliciosa Salsa de tomate con pollo

Podemos ser creativos tantas veces queramos, yo adoro ser creativa en mi cocina, para hacer mi almuerzo de hoy utilicé pechuga de pollo desmenuzado, este pollo ya lo tenía cocinado y desmenuzado reservado desde ayer en la nevera, hoy lo utilice para hacer una deliciosa salsa de tomate rústica, prepare pasta y la verdad es que deseaba hacer un almuerzo rápido, sencillo y asu vez sabroso.


La base de esta salsa tiene tomate, cebolla y ajo; hago un sofrito con aceite onotado (aceite con color vegetal) y despues yo cocine esto por cinco minutos a fuego lento , luego he colocado el pollo desmenuzado y mezcle todos los ingredientes, para que quede como una salsa debemos he añadido agua, tambien le coloque zanahoria picada que ya estaba previamente cocida a vapor, diez minutos serán suficientes para que esta salsa esté lista.



Miren lo colorida que luce, también podemos ver el tomate , la cebolla y la zanahoria; me gusta lo rustica que se ve.


La salsa la he acompañado con pasta, y he decorado con cebollino picado; este almuerzo fue rápido y de fácil elaboración, igualmente disfruté mucho el proceso, me gusta ser creativa , también ver y compartir todo sobre estos temas de comida.



• El contenido de esta publicación es original.
• Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.


mujer en la laptop.jpeg

👇About me👇

I am a lover of Gastronomy, I am passionate about Culinary Photography, I love to read in my free time and keep learning. I value very much the time I share with my children, I see life as an Art, where I can create and make any idea come true! I have always loved technology and keeping up to date with its advances, I also like to spend time with my pets!



I never made a sauce for pasta with chicken and tomato but as a chicken lover I think this sauce can be very yummy to my mouth. 💯💯

I learned with my grandmother to make tomato sauce with chopped chicken, in small parts, without removing the bones, now I do it in many ways, and with shredded chicken breast is an easy way 😋

Wawwwww tengo que probar hacerlo! Aunque no me quedara tan rico como a ti jajaja

Me gusta lo fácil que resulta este tipo de comida, además de saludable y sabroso!

Uffff esto sí que se ve bien rico valeee