Stuffed potatoes, a delicious meal [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Food5 months ago

What's up community? I hope you are doing well and have had a great weekend. I had been craving for days to make stuffed potatoes, which is a very common food here in Colombia, and I must say, it is also very tasty, so I decided to make it with some ingredients that I had at home and, I hope I did it justice.

¿Que tal comunidad? Espero que esten muy bien y hayan pasado un excelente fin de semana. Tenía dias muy antojada de hacer papas rellenas, que es una comida bastante común aqui en Colombia, y debo decir que, tambien es muy sabrosa, asi que decidí hacerla con algunos ingredientes que tenía en casa y, espero haberle hecho justicia.

As it is a "stuffed potato" obviously the main ingredient is the potato, this step is simple, you boil the peeled potato, as much as the amount you want to make, I think I made almost 1kg of potatoes. After they are cooked, we mash them but without adding water, we want the dough to be quite firm, I even added wheat flour to make it firmer (although I think I added too little), here you can season it to taste.

Como es "papa rellena" obviamente no puede faltar el ingrediente principal que es la papa, este paso es simple, se pone a hervir la papa pelada, tanta como la cantidad que quieran hacer, yo creo que hice casi 1kg de papas. Luego de que estén cocidas, hacemos puré pero sin agregar agua, queremos que la masa éste bastante firme, incluso yo le puse harina de trigo para que tuviese mas firmeza (aunque creo que le puse muy poca), aqui la pueden condimentar al gusto.

Once we have the dough completely smooth, we are going to take small balls of the size we want, we flatten them a little and in the centre we put the filling, this time I filled them with ground beef, but you can fill them with whatever you want, the typical thing here in Colombia is to put a hard boiled egg and another filling, for example, I have eaten them with rice with chicken with its respective hard boiled egg, ground beef, rice with meat, etc... you can really put whatever you like.

Una vez tengamos la masa completamente lisa, vamos a tomar bolitas del tamaño que queramos, las aplastamos un poco y en el centro ponemos el relleno, que esta vez yo la rellené de carne molida, pero ustedes pueden rellenarla con lo que quieran, lo típico aqui en Colombia es ponerle un huevo duro y otro relleno, por ejemplo, las he comido de arroz con pollo con su respectivo huevo duro, carne molida, arroz con carne, etc... realmente pueden ponerle lo que gusten.

When the potatoes are ready, put them in the freezer for 30 minutes to 1 hour, this helps them to be firmer when they are ready to fry.

Cuando tengamos las papas listas, las llevamos a el congelador de 30min a 1 hora, eso ayuda a que esten mas firmes al momento de ponerlas a freír.

At the moment of frying, we make a mixture of flour and the seasoning we want, here we add colour to the mixture, but I didn't have it at the time...

Al momento de llevarlas a freír, hacemos una mezcla de harina y los condimentos que queramos, aquí se le agrega color a la mezcla, pero yo no tenía en ese momento...

With that we coat our potatoes until they are perfectly coated and fry them until they are golden brown.

Con eso rebozamos nuestras papas hasta que esten perfectamente cubiertas y las llevamos a freír hasta que estén doradas.

Then we can enjoy the potatoes with the sauce that we like the most, I invite you to make them (I don't know if they can be fried in the Air Fryer), you won't regret it, they are delicious. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in another post ❤️

Luego podremos disfrutar de las papas con la salsa que mas nos guste, los invito a que se animen a hacerlas (desconozco si se pueden freir en Air Fryer), no se van a arrepentir, son deliciosas. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


Se ven deliciosas

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I love potatoes in every way, stuffed even more 😍😍😍

Me too!