Hello Hive and hello everyone! This is iamscinttwister, and it is my first time posting in this community. I really had a habbit of cooking while I was a teenager so I intend to share my cooking if I have time. Hopefully, this blog will be worth your precious time, provide you with quality content that offers both knowledge and/ or entertainment. 😁😁
But before we start with the content of today's blog, I would like to extend my greetings and thanks for giving it a chance and reading though this blog, it is much appreciated. I hope that whoever is reading this blog is doing great in life and facing hardships with confidence and perseverance, continue giving it your all! For today's blog I'll be sharing to you guys my trip back my home town for the holy week holiday. Hope you guys enjoy!😁❤️


The amount or ratio of ingredients used in this recipe is for a portion of one kilogram of uncooked sweet rice, of how we call if in our region "pilit bugas".
- 1 kg sweet rice
- 1/2 kg brown sugar
- 1/2 kg muscovado sugar
- 4 pcs of ripe coconut (grated and juiced)
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 5-6 cups water
Here are the images of the store bought ingrdients:

Step 1: This would be to cook the sticky rice (pilit bugas), its like how you normally cook white rice. You can even use a rice cooker in cooking your sticky rice and you can start making your "latik" while it cooks. Latik is like the sauces that you mix together with the sweet sticky rice to make the biko.
Step 2: This is where you prepare the coonut milk, or you could prepare it beforehand. To prepare the coconut milk, you need to grate the coconut meat, massage/squeeze of for a while to get all the juice out and then strain all the coconut milk.

Step 3: Starting from this step you now start to cook the ingredients for the latik. First, in a hot pan/wok, you caramelize the muscovado the the browsugar until all of the sugar are meted and you smell a small hint of burnt smell from the sugar.

Step 4: After the sugar have been caramelized and you start to smell a hint of burnt smell you now pour the coconut milk in the pan/wok and stir untill the sugars are desolved in the coocnut milk. (You can also add the vanilla extract here if you prefer including it, it does add aroma to the rice cake)

Step 5: Wait for the mixture to boild and stir so it wount overflow. Reduce the mixture until it reaches the consistency of a very thick gravy.
The thing that look like a wooden bowl with a hole is a coconut shell that has been clean and it is to prevent the mixture from overflowing when it boils. And this is what it would look like after it is done reducing.
Step 6: In a large container or in the pan/wok (if its large enough) mixed the cooked sticky rice and the latik together until its evenly mixed.

Step 7: Serve while hot and enjoy.😁 It pairs great with black coffee but some do prefer it with softdrinks.😂❤️

That is all for my first food blog. If you ever made it this far in the blog, I hope it meant that you liked and enjoyed reading through it. If you have any thoughts in mind about my blogs or any suggestion, I would love to know about it. I hope to see you again in my next blog and thank you for the time, it's much appreciated! God bless!💖
Enjoy the delicacy