Greetings hive community, I hope you are all very well; today friends I want to share a sweet recipe that you will love, it is a banana and carrot muffins, I present the step by step in which is super easy, for this recipe I did not require many ingredients are a very tasty muffins with a moist texture inside and are very fluffy, I hope you like the recipe without wasting more time cook.


Preparación -Preparation
First step, take a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of oil and mix, then add the 2 eggs and continue beating for 3 minutes.

Second step, then I added vanilla to taste and the 4 bananas cut in circles and mixed.

Third step, to finish I added 1 grated carrot to the mixture and then the 2 cups of wheat flour and gave it wrapping movements.

Fourth step, I added the mixture in a special tray and let it bake for 25 min and that's it.

Deliciosas magdalenas de banana y zanahoria./ 🎂🍌🥕Delicious banana and carrot muffins.

I say goodbye dear community, leaving you this delicious recipe, perfect for the lunchbox of the kids at school, as you could appreciate is very easy to prepare are very fluffy muffins with an exquisite flavor and texture, it was a pleasure to share I hope you like you see you in another publication.

Fotos tomadas desde teléfono Alcatel idol. / Photos taken from Alcatel idol phone.
Separadores y ediciones hechas en Canva. / Separators and editions made in Canva.

Que rico quiero hacerlas no las he probado pero se ven exquisitas gracias por la receta.
Se ven muy suculentas y provocativas!!